
Started by Fred Deagostino, November 14, 2012, 05:38:59 PM

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Fred Deagostino

Greetings to all,

'Obviously new to the site, I am about to embark on restoring my 6 Day ser.# v416. I'm hoping I got a couple of pics in here but if history is any teacher I did not. At any rate what I have here is my own bike that I'd bought used in '70. Having sold it to a cousin somewhere around '75, he in turn sold it to another cousin, who eventually put it under his deck covered with a tarp for 20+ yrs.
 Fifteen yrs. ago cousin #2 called and asked if I'd like to come and get it which of course I did and lo and behold here's my old Penton, looking scruffy but with the same tires, cables, and everything. Just like I'd seen it last.
 A quick 'spank up' and I was riding it again! That was the good part of the story. From there it went into an unused stall in the barn and sat for 15 yrs. (shame on me) neglected but always on  my project list. Well, it's time, and here I am.
 I do have the great good fortune to be pals with a guy who's wrenched and raced the old stuff and still works in the same dealership the bike was sold out of in '68. Plus another pal who is arguably one of the best custom motorcycle painters anywhere. I know because I worked for him for 5 yrs. doing all his moulding and prep work. Helpful things indeed.
 I've been cruising thru the forums and suppliers as I put together my parts list, which has been very helpful, although I can't help but notice the steel tankers are getting a bit tough to find stuff for. No real shocker there.
 The present plan is to get it up and running again before breaking it down for the cosmetics. Compression is great, spark is great, fuel/carb stuff = trouble in paradise. No 'show stoppers' but it might as well be done now as when everything's all pretty again.
 At any rate, let the games begin!  'Hopefully the pics went up.


V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

I seem to be having trouble getting pics up (as usual). I tried the click and drag from my documents, the same from my Penton pic file, and the insert image icon from the toolbar to no avail.
  I'd really like to see what you guys think of the handlebars on this bike. I haven't seen them on any of the bikes on the site. They're narrow, with a pretty steeply curved cross support and I'm pretty sure they came on the bike. Thought's, suggestions, direction would be welcome on either topic.
                                  Thanks in advance,

V416 OneMoreTime

Randy Kirkbride

Try this Fred.

Go to Photobucket.com and click Join Now.
Type in your email address and then choose a password then re-type it and click next.
Fill in your personal information field, security code, and click accept.
Click on Choose Files in the middle RH side of the page.
Choose the location on your computer where your pics are stored.
(I usually download them to my pictures, which is located under My Documents, but you could download them right from your camera if it is connected to your Computer.)
Choose your pic from the file. You may need to click open.
Add Title or description, Optional.
Click return to album...easiest way for me, then put cursor on picture and 4 links will appear.
Left click on the bottom link which starts with (img), then right click on it and select copy.
Open a new tab opr browser window, got to message board and paste the code in your text on a new line for each picture, and post your message and you are finished. Mike

Fred Deagostino


Well Randy, I might have gotten it (?) Things went well 'till the the right click on img whereby I got a different window with no copy option. Resorting to a 'punt', I clicked and drug the codes to the post which appears to have worked. Here we go..., fingers crossed ! V416 in the light of day after 15 yrs.

V416 OneMoreTime


Sorry Fred, I cannot access your photos.  When I click on the web address you posted, it just takes me to Photobucket's Home Page.


Gary Roach

Hi Fred,

I was able to unscramble the direct links to 4 photos in the link that you posted, and I'm able to see your bike, but the photos are so small you can't really see the bars. I can see that it has the correct pipe, shocks, long chain guard, and short air box.  

But there's some issue with the direct links, and every time I tried to post the pictures here, there is a message that pops up saying, "Your image was linked incorrectly, please visit your account for the correct link". Maybe a fellow Pogger with a little more computer savvy than me can figure them out.  

Here are the direct links:





The only way I'm able to see the photos is by opening a new web browser and then manually type the link into the address bar.  

Dale Fisher

Try this:


Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - Memberships
Facebook - Cheney Twinshock Racing Group - Administrator

1970 Six-Day 125
1971 Six-Day 125 (Dave Fisher's)
1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Berkshire 100
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry


It still does not work.  The links that Gary Roach listed do not work either, but if you eliminate the following from Gary's links they work.  ie -  http://photobucket.com/albums/o687/bnkate/th_DSC00772.jpg  you have to eliminate "th_" from each link.  Then you can view the photos.

It is not the way it should work, it is a work around.


Gary Roach

I ran the photos through ImageShack and finally got them to work.


I have a very close cousin to that machine, V401.

joe novak

Looks like all it needs is the missing stinger on the end of the expansion chamber.   joe

Fred Deagostino

Great!  Thanks you guys for hashing out the pic problem for me. It's no doubt obvious now that my computer skills are rudimentary at best. Also, apologies for the delayed response.
  Re: the last posts, yes, it is mercifully still all there. The stinger was lost back when I was riding it, a victim of laying over against the side of my pickup. 'Easy fix although I'll have to find a replacement piece of material from memory. It seems it was something like 4" long (?).
  Re: V401, these bikes may have been on the 'line' at the same time. You appear to have me beat by 15 units :-(  Is yours restored or a survivor?
  Currently I'm trying to coax my choke cable assembly out of the carb (corrosion in there) so as to break down the whole thing for a dip in the carb cleaner. It's fighting me. Then I'll need to find a replacement rubber boot for between the carb and air cleaner box too at some point.
  By the way, 'anyone recognize those handlebars? They were on there when I first got the bike in '70 but may well be aftermarket. When I filled out the steel tank survey I couldn't answer as to whether I had a MX or enduro and thought the bars might have been a key. (?)
  At any rate, thanks again for the pic solution and I'll check back in later in the day.
                                             Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime


Wow that is a nice survivor.  Execlent base to start with.  You could probably just clean it and ride!

74 250 Hare scramble
2 68 Six Day (projects)
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

Fred Deagostino

Thanks Sean, It is a nice survivor huh? No one's more amazed than me that I got it back after all those years and I'd bet a months pay once I get the fuel system cleaned out it'll fire right up just like it always did. I remember running it into water once that was way deeper than I'd thought (up to my butt) and after I'd drug it up out of that hole I pulled the plug out, turned the bike upside down, cranked it to pump out the water, and went on my way.
 Now that I've said that I hope I didn't jinx myself (chuckle). I see you have two of the same .....Cool, very cool!        Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


I have V213 and v099 or 98 depending on how you read the last number.
Hopefully after the first of the year one of them is dirt ready!

74 250 Hare scramble
2 68 Six Day (projects)
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213