New AHRMA Helmet Requirements

Started by BlueRidgePathfinder, February 27, 2013, 05:26:25 PM

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Howdy folks,

There has been quite a bit of discussion on the AHRMA Cross Country Yahoo! Group about the AHRMA's new helmet requirements.  

Although it is clearly stated on page 9 of the 2013 AHRMA Handbook, this seems to have caught a lot of people off guard.

With my vested interest in the success of our upcoming AHRMA National Cross Country Race weekend, The Carolinas White Lightning Cross Country Classic, I wanted to make certain all of you fine folks on the Penton Owners Group forum were aware of these requirements.

Best regards,

Al Roof

From page 9 of the 2013 AHRMA Handbook

Helmets must be used in all AHRMA competition.  Helmets worn in roadracing and dirt track must be full-face type and certified by the manufacturer by having a sticker affixed to the helmet stating the helmet meets or exceeds the Snell M2010, FIM BSI 6658 type A ("Blue Label"), FIM ECR22.05 or FIM JIST 8133:2000 standard.  Helmets meeting this standard must have been manufactured within the past 60 months.

Helmets used for all other forms of competition must meet U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) standards, Snell M2005 or higher, or current FIM standard.  Half-helmets are permitted only in trials. All helmets will be scrutinized at tech inspection for compliance. Riders are prohibited from using damaged helmets. Only OEM chin strap fasteners may be used (no aftermarket quick-release fasteners).  Tech inspection by AHRMA does not warrant the condition of a participant's helmet. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that their helmet is in good and safe condition.  Participants are encouraged to have their helmets examined by    the appropriate experts if they have questions regarding their condition. (See 3.4.3)


Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good


I read this as if the helmet must EITHER meet U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) standards OR Snell M2005 OR higher, OR current FIM standard.
Not DOT standards AND Snell M2005 OR higher, or current FIM standard.
However, on the AHRMA Cross Country Yahoo! Group thread AHRMA Executive Director David Lamberth seems to be interpreting this as requiring the latter.
Dave even wrote "The helmet rule has forced me to have to move away from my beloved Arai's that I have worn for years. I bought a JT helmet - not sure I am going to like it as much as the Arai."
As you and I both know, Aria helmets easily meet DOT standards.

I am going to ask him to take a second look at this.

brian kirby

No, for 2013 off road helmets MUST be Snell 2005 certified, not DOT alone.

Pete, you cant get a fake Snell sticker for the actual certification label which is on the inside under the liner on the Styrofoam.



Have had five other people read the Ahrma rule book statement and they read it as only one of of the three requirements is needed ; myself as well. A JT helmet is made better than a ARIA ? come on now .... When is the next election ?;)

brian kirby

Dave used to wear the Arai MXC Pro, basically an open face helmet with the screw on face guard, which they have not made since the Snell 2005 rating. He is not saying JT is better than Arai, he is saying his preferred helmet no longer meets the AHRMA rules and he had to pick something, so he chose JT.


G Ellis

This is why I don't belong to AHRMA. They are getting to be just like the government. Next you will only be able to wear brand X boots and clothes. This should be a choice of the racer.

rob w

WHAT ! I can't wear my 1985 open face Bell Magnum anymore. How am I going to look and feel the part of vintage racing. That would be like going to a civil war reenactment, with a M16.

Tim Brown

When Arai discontinued the MXC Pro, I bought several and still have 3 new ones in the top of my closet. I will continue to wear these and the day someone will not allow me to ride an event is the day I will cancel my membership. What about "skunk hats" at the 6 days events? Surely someone will come to their senses.

brian kirby

Tim, the MXC Pro is my all time favorite helmet, I wore them for years. I wish I had been as smart as you and bought several new ones when Arai discontinued them.

Just so everyone knows, I am not defending the AHRMA rule or saying I agree with it, I'm just trying to make sure everyone understands so they dont drive 16hrs to an event only to find out they cant race because of their helmet.


brian kirby

Regardless of rating, no one should wear a helmet over 5 years old. I am always amazed at how many people want to wear 20 year old helmets, for sentimental reasons apparently. One of the reasons Dwight points out that DOT helmets are better than Snell for off road, and he is correct, is that the DOT rating allows softer styrofoam, which absorbs more energy in the slower speed impacts we tend to see in off road. The part that absorbs impact, the styrofoam, like all plastics gets harder as it gets older. As it gets harder it absorbs less energy and transfers more energy to your brain, which is a very bad thing. As much as I love my old Arai MXC Pro's, even if I had a brand new one I would not wear it because the foam is too hard by now.


Tim Brown

Sounds like a business opportunity to me. Supply and demand?:D



The way I read the requirement is that it must meet ONE of the standards published in the rulebook.


David W. Lamberth

309 Buffalo Run
Goodlettsville, Tn.  37072

AHRMA phone # 615-420-6435
AHRMA fax # 615-420-6438

Tim Brown

Tech inspection by AHRMA does not warrant the condition of a participant's helmet. It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that their helmet is in good and safe condition.
Participants are encouraged to have their helmets examined by the appropriate experts if they have questions regarding their condition. (See 3.4.3)

This appears to be a disclaimer for liability issues. If one can receive a million dollars for coffee being too hot, well then...I guess anything is possible. There is no helmet police. I personally feel more protected in a NOS helmet than one 3-4 years old that has been sweated in every weekend. Just my opinion.


Personally I think it's interesting that when the topic of other safety equipment comes up I keep hearing things like: I don't cheap out on boots, neck braces, chest protectors...blah, blah, blah. But when the subject of noggin protection comes up then it's outrageous to think that you are being told your equipment must meet certain safety standards.

I'm sure there is a lawyer involved in this somewhere, big deal. I talked to D. Lamberth about this when the rule book first came out.  I didn't have an issue with the rule but what I didn't want to see was the poor dude who drives hundreds of miles to a AHRMA event only to find out his lid won't pass tech.  I believe AHRMA was working on a one time warning deal so this wouldn't happen.

I remember I was on the starting line of a AMA vintage race years ago.  The temps were in the high 90's and I was wearing a jersey with the sleeves cut off.  The gate was about to drop and a ref runs up to me saying I can't wear a short sleeve jersey in a AMA race.  Shortly after that the gate dropped and I crashed in the first turn scraping up my forearm/elbow.  LOL.  I doubt the long sleeve jersey would have made a difference but the whole thing was a bit ironic.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good