ISDT trivia

Started by Paul Danik, September 22, 2003, 09:17:32 PM

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Doug Wilford

Okay, #67 was my number in 73.    The Watling Trophy is presented each year to the Trophy Team of the country that shows the most improvement in organization and management.   72 was the first year that an American team had won it.   2001 it was also won by the American team.



I stand corrected, Again!  Doug what then was the year I have of you with the number 73?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

# 14   Before 1974 their were two different father and son combinations that rode the ISDT from the USA. Who were they?

# 15  What USA rider earned a Gold in 1973 and rode with a seperated shoulder for most of the event?


rob w

Answer #15, Mr. Jake Fischer!!



#14  Would one answer be Dave and Ray Mungenast?
#15  What a a Ride for For Jake!  He's one of the best ever in my book.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

Jake Fischer is correct!!!  He rode with a seperated shoulder and STILL earned a Gold. He will be riding the ISDTR with two of his sons.

# 14  Dave and Ray is not the answer.

# 16  Leroy Winters came up with the original  USA helmet with the two close white stripes, refered to as the " Skunk " helmet.  That information came from Mr. Penton awhile back.


Jeff D

Herb and Bill Uhl were one of the father/son teams in the ISDT.
Randy, Cody and Mandy Mastin were the first father/son/daughter team, but this was in the ISDE.  Randy and Cody also rode as father/son but in ISDE.  Cody wasn't born yet when the Six Days still had a "T" at the end of it!
Also, Al Eames was known as "Mr. ISDT" before Jeff Fredette started riding the Six Days...but Jeff sure has Ironman status with more Six Days under his belt than anyone else.  I think Drew Smith is second with 20 to his credit.  Brazil will be #23 for Freddie, won't it?

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


O.K., so you don't know the answer. Here it is.

The Crane Company in Dalton, Massachusetts, is the only place in the world that produces the paper stock for all U.S. currency. Al Eames worked for Crane -- requested a leave of absence to work on ISDT 73 -- was refused -- he quit -- much later was rehired by Crane. (I believe that's a reasonable recounting of the story. See the ISDTRR program book for more Al Eames info, including details about this.)

John Leone

Slightly off-topic, but good trivia and very relevant re: 73 ISDT and upcoming reunion ride:

Question 12: In Dalton, Massachusetts, there's a product produced for the US government. It's the only place in the world that makes this product. Name the product and the company that makes it. Hint: it's also connected to Al Eames.

John Leone



Doug Wilford

My 73 number must have been 1970 in Spain, nope just checked 1970 number was 82  ???? not sure on when 73 would have been, I would have to see the picture.   #9 could have been Bob Link selling Cycle News.



Doug, Bob link would qualify as one of the Cycle News Salesmen, but I was hoping Dwight Rudder would come up with this other name being Dwight is from Mississippi.  I saw Dwight this weekend at the National in Texas but we didn't get time to visit on the starting line.  I will find the picture that I have of you with #73 and get to the bottom of this mystery.  I do have a great picture of you on page 117 of the ISDT'73.  More later.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

  The 73 might have been on Doug's golf score, or maybe a birthday cake, just trying to help.



Thanks Paul for the HELP.  Let's agree it on the golf score.  Because everyone knows how you like to drag me into a fight and then leave.  I will go to the corner for silent time.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


NEWS FLASH - In 1973 Six Day the famous Rider that had #73 was none other Richard Clears from Great Britain riding a MCB SP.  If any other numbers for 1973 are required I have my official cheat sheet(that has taken me three days to find).  It was properly filed net to the Steve McQueen auction program???

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron,  If you have the official cheat sheet, then you should be able to answer question #11: "In the 1973 ISDT event, how many of the 300 riders entered from around the world were riding Pentons?"  Those of you that have Youngblood's books should also be able to find the answer.



Forty five and thanks for keeping me on  my toes and I actually did know the answer to #12.  Thanks Lynn

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh