2004 ISDT-RR Entry forms

Started by Steve Minor, April 07, 2004, 07:53:25 AM

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Steve Minor

The 2004 ISDT-RR entry forms are now available!!!!!!

I dropped mine in the mail box this morning......

Here's the link...... http://www.isdtr2004.org/
Steve Minor


  Thanks for the site.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Big Mac

I was surprised and greatly disappointed to see that the Zink Ranch event was requiring street-licensed bikes! I can understand the need back in Mass where trail connections dictate it, but in OK? Gotta believe that leaves a huge number of Penton owners standing on the sidelines like me...wouldn't mind trying to license my '73 250, but not sure it's possible in my state to meet all regs, plus for only 2-days of riding once a year?

With the intent of the event to bring more vintage off-road bikes out of the barns and back on the trails, this seems like a big step backward.

...30+ years on bikes and never needed to bother with even an operators license before...sigh.
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR


  E-mail me on the license issue.  What state are you in?


Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Can this be true????? Buy a plate and you have to have insurance as well...This may kill my plans for a nice fall vacation...oh well, I'll ride the Beemer on another adventure.....
Thomas Brosius


Big & DKW,
  Before everyone gets all excited about making this terrfic gathering a downer because of license requirement read on.  I have always had a license plate on any bike that required it for a given race/enduro.  The organizers normally require this for insurance reasons(I'm not knowledgable on this ride).
  There are many ways to achieve this requirement.  Start with a little inginuity and talk with fellow riders on achieving this requirement.  I won't go into every state I have raced in and how I met requirements, but I never-never stayed away from a race because of this requirement.
  :DOn the fun side I actually got stopped either in Georgia or Florida one year by a angry Trooper something about keeping both wheels on the ground.  He went over my bike and whipped out the old ticket book.  I gave him my drivers license and he begin writing.  Handed me the ticket and told me to have good day.  Seems they required a mirror in that state.  I ask him to reconsider and pointed to the dentist mirror taped to my handle bars.  No I didn't do a citizens arrest for littering when he tore up the ticket[8D].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Folks, it's too early in the game to blow the license issue out of proportion.  Don't read between the lines on the ISDTRR info.  "Should" is not the same as "Shall"  Kinda like participating in your local enduro, don't make the initiating MC club specify everything in writing!  Lets not make a "dead" horse and then "kill" it;)

Steve Minor

In my opinion........The organizers put in the line about being "street legal" for the benefit of local law enforcement. Sort of a "CYA". I don't think the tech inspection will require us to show registration papers. At least they didn't at the 2003 ISDT-RR.
Steve Minor

Steve Minor

Rob......I just send you an entry via FAX....Let me kow if you have a problem with it.

Steve Minor

rob w

Steve, Thank you very much! That fax number goes to my shop, not where I'm at now. I'm sure it's good, thank you. I'll want to get that mailed in asap, eh? This year we'll make it a point to meet for certain.

Steve Minor

Actually......I think we did meet....sorta......

At the 03 ISDTRR.....at a check point. I believe we were both having plug or carb problems. My bike died and wouldn't start so I pushed it thru the check point tent and starting diagnosing. I believe you were on a white Mint 400 with similar problems?
Steve Minor

Dennis D

Guys, contact Vern Street about the license issue. If the bike looks legal,I'm sure that you can just hang a plate on it.(that's what I am going to do with my 72 Piner) They haven't decided if the lights are going to have to function or not. Originally the ride was going to use some county roads to connect but now it is going to be on the Zink ranch completly. No worries mate! Dennis D

Tony Price

Vern Street has indicated that the entire event will be run on Zink Ranch land, therefore there is no requirement for being legally licensed.

The entry form was prepared at a time when connecting county roads were being considered.

As Dennis indicated, the decision on whether or not your lights have to be functional is still undtermined.  

Do note, however, that Onkle Speedy requires that you lights be fully operational, as they should be!



Licensing notwithstanding, I'm sort of surprised to see that some folks seemingly don't carry at least liability insurance on their scoots. Personally, I won't ride either my "old" or "new" bike on any track, trail, or roads, public or private, without coverage.

In my 40+ years of dirt riding, I've heard (and witnessed) instances of guys T-boning kids shooting across trails on Sting Ray bikes, being hit head-on by other bikes or quads, spooking horses, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. As we all must be aware, you don't have to be in the wrong to get sued - only involved[V].

The piddling cost of liability insurance is a drop in the bucket compared to all the rest of the expense we incur while playing our game and, no, I'm not in the insurance business[:p].


Big Mac

Thanks for the feedback on the licensing issue boys. I'll check with Vern directly. Would hate to take half a week off work and make a 2000 mile run each way only to find out that I wasn't going to pass tech. For the 2002 ISDTRR, the wording was something like "lights required, operational not neccessary"...some guy duct taped a reflector to the fender of a CZ, and no one complained. Hope this year's is somewhat accommodating, if not that flexible.

In my state (OR), the list to get a real tag is: DOT tires, mirror, working horn, lights (of course) w/ hi-lo beam, operating turn signals for any '72 or newer model, and quiet exhaust with no visible smoke. I've got everything figured out except for turn signals (not enough wires to cover), the 3W juice isn't strong enough to vibrate the horn, and I guess I'll have to run 200:1 ratio to meet the no-visible-smoke requirement. Have thought about the ni-cad battery kits like some of guys use on newer off-road conversions, but seems to defeat the purpose of restoring an old bike to the era. Any other ideas, Ron? thanks...

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR