Home Page Photo Quiz - August 2004

Started by Admin, August 14, 2004, 09:36:39 PM

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  Thanks for clearing out old business and making my handler (Dane) happy.  And I might add Dane is a good handler and would be happier if I would quit sending him the same MotoPlat to test.  I just explained to him that I though if I put next to a good one for a year it would fix it's self......it was worth the try, but Master Dane caught it[V].

  Ok on to the next part of this great racers quiz.  One person picture is Leroy Winters.  My question is which bike is his and how do you know it from the others?  Remember there are five bikes pictured (I know actually six).  We will use the same numbering system as we did for the riders, left bike is #1 etc.  Go....................[:p]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


The only problem with the list, is that Cliff's last name, is Chaffee. Otherwise, good job.

The van guess is off by brand only. It was a Dodge, though honestly, I can't remember what year. The Company bought two of them, one dark red for the Husqvarna business and this green one for the Penton business. I don't know what ever happened to this one, but the Husky van met an untimely death, in which I was involved.

We were coming back from a race somewhere, (can't remember where) and I think my cousin Chris (Kovach, JP's other sister's family) was driving, got sleepy, left the road, and flipped it. I was sleeping in the back, and all I remember is fighting off flying tool boxes. Fortunately, the bikes were not with us, so we didn't hurt any of them and neither were we injured. The van, though, didn't live, though we did manage to salvage some of the parts and stuffed them away in one of the Penton family buildings, "just in case". They resided there up until about maybe 10 years ago, when that building was cleaned out of you can't imagine how much "memorabilia", when they were finally discarded.



Hey Sheriff,

We couldn't resist posting this other photo with all the talk that is going on. :D I thought Al Born was a Ford man. Is that a Corvair he's checking out on the far right of this photo?

Sheriff Carbaugh, Karen & I think you are doing an excellent job with this home page photo topic/quiz.  Thanks again for all your help and input!  The total number of monthly visits to the website has been down through the summer months.  You are definitely doing your part to pull the numbers back up.



Adm,  Karen & Bill,
  Thanks for the compliments, but put the blame, oh I mean compliment[:I] on the POG people that contribute and especially the expertise from Dane, the torrid late night reading by Bob Wordlow(Rob W) and the rest of the people that tax my memory or what is left of it.  I always like Donny when he makes a guess knowing he doesn't have a chance at a correct answer, but the attitude and determination comes out.  That is the kind of enthusiasum that drives the whole nature of the Penton Owners Group.
  Now for the down side[V].  Actually Al is looking at a Chevelle(327ci - see the flags on the front fender) and wondering who was invading his space.  For those of you not familiar with Al Born, he only has 49 years of service at Ford, and to say the least I raced Chevrolets all my life, but lucky for me I bought a Ford on my last purchase(to help Al's pension fund)[^].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Did I miss something is Leroys bike #3... looks like steel front rim....Just a guess... Though I thought I saw his bike at the 68or 69 Courduroy with front Akront alum. that had a huge prang in it :D....BT

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor


HEY! I got three of the six correct! That's 50% anyway!!!!!!!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


  I have told you time and time again you should work for the goverment (again).  To make it simple, if the goverment had a 50% success rate things would be tooo good.  Just remember (I do) as long as you were in the Navey we never had a single attack on a U.S. port.  Thanks for your outstanding service to this Country:).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Leroy Winters' bike is numero 2 or, the second in from the left.
At the time, Leroy's bike had a round frame mounted canister behind the front fender. Notice under the tank, and almost touching the cylinder head, clamped to the front down tubes of the frame.
It kind of looks like that chrome tool can Hodaka had on their bikes. But I can't say forsure what it was.

Again...this is really a wonderful photograph! It says alot to me. Great topic!
Thank you Bill, Karen, & Omar Sheriff.


  You are just making me work too hard.  You are correct and that was a trade mark of Leroy's bikes.  I don't know why his bikes were so well prepared that he hardly ever had problems and if he did no one, no one knew about it.  Also if you noticed (for those of you at Mid-Ohio) the 1968 Penton I purchased had the same tool box on it and it had spent it's entire life in Southern Michigan.
Oh, and Rob please if you are going to pick on me that is spelled with two "r's"  Omar Sherriff.  Get that sound right[^].
  More..........as soon as I reload after all these shots taken at me!;)

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ok on to the next question.  Rob W you are disqualified for 20 hours and don't try to use that fake name of RobbyMX the Sherriff is on to your tricks;).
#1 has been correctly identified as Al Born and as the people that know Al he is a VERY proud person and is a sharp dresser and is always sooo neat.
QUESTION:  You can see that Al is race ready in the picture, for the day, but who helped him with his ridding gear??  Even at Mid-Ohio you always notice he is neat and dressed nice.  In the picture you  will notice he is all business.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



   I'm surprised that you haven't identified the "tool box" that Leroy employed on his bikes, since I'm pretty sure it came from one of your former employers. I believe that it came from a CB160.

   And no, Al wasn't outfitted by the Lorain County Department of Corrections, despite the fact that the color may have been right.



  I was going to ask the save the tool box question when I ask more about Leroy, but it is a good question and also a trade mark, as you well know, of Leroy's.
  But Al's outfit was custom made[8D].
  Next time you are in the penalty box with Rob[:o)].
  Thanks for your input, especially on the CycleLiner.  That will take up almost three chapters in my book[:0].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Al Born's official race gear may have been supplied by a famous auto maker.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


#6 person is Ralph Haslage
Question:  1. Where did work?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


#3 person is Leroy Winters.
Question:  Give the name of the shop that he raced out of and the location(city).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh