Paint Codes, Paint Codes, Paint Codes....

Started by DKWRACER, January 07, 2005, 08:17:59 PM

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To date, the following is only an assumption:
Orange for GS/MX... Dupont YS017 with 914 for yellow (side panel inlet)

Porsche Riviera Blue or Krylon Ocean Blue (spray bomb) for Jackpiner
Sunshine Yellow (Krylon spray bomb) for Jackpiner. ? would Dupont 914 suffice? (side panel inlet)

Steel Tanker paint codes from a most recent post..

Green for later 6 Days tanks and panels,  from a "PPG" formula post on the Resto Group...

Red with slight orange tint for 74 (unknown)

Cripes, do we need to finish it?

The list grows, with each post......
Thomas Brosius

Rain Man

eeee  cripes, Ces't francais, Nest pas  ??
  Tom I can understand this frustration,
   Dam it John, I'm a mechanic/machinist/rider,
 not a painter!!!!.
   I got 4 bikes I'm getting ready to paint, I'm color blind and I'm relying on this web site for information to give to the "paint man" !!
 will we ever have an established paint scheme to follow when reconditioning these beutiful ole Pentons ???

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


  I think you have a excellent recomendation.  Why don't you self appoint yourself to get a base started and present your finding to the Directors and see if we can have it as a part of our home subject site.
  I think plenty of people have already had input (check search engine) and plenty of others will give new input.  Don't wait for someone else to do it, take the lead....that is the great thing about the POG YOU can make things happen.
  I will tell you I have had ideas that haven't passed on the first request, but they are in place now.  Make it happen.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I have a friend here in Maine who owns a powder coating/ paint house. He has an instrument that they use to match the color when changing the finish of a piece of metal from paint to powder. Kind of looks like a cross between a microscope and a camera. He has enough years in the business where his eye is about as good as the machine. If it would be of help, I could see if we can create something of a list. I don't have a steel tank berkshire or a 400, but I have a pretty good sampling of the rest of the line..

Downeast Pentons - Central division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division


  It sounds like a good start.  My point was and is ..... don't ask instead DO.  I think your suggestion is excellent.  I have the sample of what you don't have.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I originally posted the comments about Porsche Riviera Blue being a good match for Jackpiner Blue. The paint shop scanned my tank, granted it was an older tank, the color turned out to be a good match (even under florescent lights). The paint is available in a single stage formulation, as well as base coat clear coat. The single stage is catalyzed and has excellent resistance to fuel. The Porsche Blue matched the other 4 Jackpiners I had at the time. Hope this helps.

Rain Man

Ron, do you really feel that someone who knows nothing about paint should self appoint himself and get a base started?? Would you seek advice on your beloved project from that inexperienced individual?
  I dont even know what a Steel Tanker paint scheme looks like, never mind the information needed to do the paint correctly,

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


  My response to your comment:
"will we ever have an established paint scheme to follow when reconditioning these beutiful ole Pentons ???"
was that I don't feel I have the time since I am involved with other self appointed projects and the best way for some one to learn is to jump in feet first.  Nothing, I repeat nothing that you suggest or enter for a answer can't be changed.  Is you want to learn about the paint and designs for these old bikes what better way to start.  I was just trying to get people that suggest things we (POG) need to do get involved.  That was my premise.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


jeeze, meant no harm, some of these posts do tend to become emotional at times............

The love of a PENTON.......

Thomas Brosius


  No emotions here.  Just I feel that at some point we as a group need to tackle this paint situation and I felt since  Raymond brought it up he might be interested in starting the ball rolling.  If the posts I made sounded like I meant to harm or be emotional about the subject please reread them knowing this was not the intent.
  There is a reason I haven't been jumping up and down about this subject. Everytime I would try to get a universal color name or match when I sent it to the person requesting it their painter didn't use that brand of paint or some other excuse.  Therefore I just have my things painted by a Friend and we do the best we can.
  An example of this was I tried to send some paint codes to Thomas Carmichael for his '76 250 Penton.  No luck so I just sent him a NOS side cover and problem resolved.
  End of subject on my side....please reread my posts if anyone thought I was trying to do anything other than my intent.


Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Here are a few paint codes that I have good luck with:

Red with slight orange tint for 74 = '93 Mustang Cobra Performance Red code EY.

Frame = Mercedes silver code 744, then clear coated with an added flattening agent semi-flat.

John J Slivka
John J Slivka


Got to admit, it's getting better....
Thanks for the RED...Tom.....
Thomas Brosius


Hello Poggers! Kinda always felt that this post would bring out some "sleepers". Guess what it is happening, tho it is still a dream to have an area on our website for techie info. The imagination runs wild, the Desire is still there, thanks, for being contributing members, I guess that's what we are...How about the "white" with a bit of Patina?
Thomas Brosius


I would like to ads my 2 cents worth about this and that is Thank You very much Ron for sending me the side cover to get the correct color match for my 250 it came out GREAT !! and as you know when I first started my quest on putting this bike back like it originally came from the factory. I asked several times what the paint color was and I am sure that I had several answers but when it comes down to different paint companies this is when it gets cloudy. It would be good if there was a way to get the original codes so it could be converted to todays paints.

Raymond, I will help you with this quest.There has been many posts here in POG on this matter.What can I do to help ? Just e-mail me and let's knock this baby out!!!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


jj, cumon man how close is it? Did you buff your tank and then have it matched, I have a pint and it appears close. 74 to 76 Red
Thanks, Tom...
Thomas Brosius