Steel Tank Questionnaire

Started by Admin, March 14, 2005, 07:12:58 PM

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If you own a steel tank (1968-71 Penton) and would like a chance on winning a new old stock John Penton autographed Berkshire steel gas tank, just click on the link below:


Whouda thunk, that our dear Admin. had his beginnings on historic bicycles? To learn a history, not only about ourselves and share it in "POG Forum", but become a part of the Penton Legacy. Out of the depths, come more and more....glad to be a part, and very proud, thanks Mr. Admin
Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Thanks Bill,My questionnaire is on the way to you.I hope Ron doesn't get to enter for each of the steel tankers he owns ! If so I bet the tank goes to TEXAS!!:D:D

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Mark Annan

I think this is great!  I'll be sending in the information for both of my steel tankers.  I'll also send in the story of how I got my first one.  Maybe I'll also tell about riding it in my first organized event (the 2001 ISDTRR).  


Kevin Grimes

Bill, if you read this posting I think we need to add one more question for the steel tankers. The seat logo is of interest. Some 71 bikes had the Penton logo only while others had a combination of Penton/KTM printed on the back.


The seat logo question is of interest to me as the Steel Tank 125 I am working on had what I believed to be the original seat cover with no logo at all. Anyone else seen this?


My Steel Tanker I bought new in 1969 didn't have any on it at all.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Another supplement to questionare might be Bing carb number.  I already sent mine on my 1969 in but my carb number is 1/26/117.  Donny what is yours on your 69?  And no my 69 did not have a logo on its OEM seat cover.


A seat logo question was thought about but dropped due to the number of questions already being asked.  Due to the age of these bikes, the seat would have been the first thing to deteriorate, thus making this question maybe not a good one.  Whereas with gussets and high breathers, these things never go away or deteriorate.  In filling out the questionnaire, if anyone feels that they have something special about their bike (i.e. seat logo or anything not covered in the questionnaire), please feel free to add it to the comments section.  

On the subject of seat logos, I have a 71 steel tanker that has the word "KTM" only on it.  So it looks like there were 3 styles of logos offered in 71.



My '71, which I have owned since '72 and is entirely original,has only the "KTM" on the seat like yours.


Bill, Paul and Doug,
  Thanks for the hard work to get the ball rolling on the Steel Tanker Project.  OK, for all of those Steel Tank Owners please help all of us help POG with the information from your bike.  Thanks Guys.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

In picture # 14F, the bike with the down pipe. There were some bikes in '70 that had the "Sachs" name cut off of the engine side cases, and replaced with a black "Penton" name plate sticker. I first noticed that was done in a magazine test article from 1970. That observation surprised me at first because I thought it was only done to the later '74 or '75 models.
 It was either done for a short time back then, and then that operation ceased for 3 1/2 years. Or maybe it was ordered to do in the earlier years to some of the bikes that were going out to the magazines.
 I don't know, just an observation.



Rob W,
  Great observation.  I had one of these bikes that was original with the side covers you are describing.  Are you guys thawing out Yet?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Good morning to all of you,

More on the #36 Steel Tank MX model in picture 14F.

The 7" welded frame extension on the LH side that was made to support and mount the down pipe. The one in this picture must be a proto-type or pre-production to the 1970 models. The one in this picture does'nt look quite the same as stock, the production braces were welded on more horizonal and have a gusset on top.
Like the bike I've seen from this era in a mag. test article, the engine's top end is painted black. At one time I tried to figure an explanation as to who (if anyone) was painting the top-ends black, whether it was a personal mod or if it happened to many units at a distributor. But I never found an explanation.

Thanks again,


Rob W,
  Not so much to do with Penton Imports, but E.C. Burt liked to paint his Sachs engines black.  Put a dollar with this information and it will buy you a cup of coffee.;)

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh