North East get together??

Started by thrownchain, August 21, 2006, 12:27:12 PM

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OK, let's get prepared to start up in the spring. Still looking for others to chime in on possible places to try to congregate during the next race season. I'm not really able to take off on short notice. I really have to start planning now for next years Mid Ohio. But some more local races I could put on my calender with as little as a couple weeks notice. So by all means when you come up with a good possibilty, put it on here and we'll see what kind of feed back we can generate. Lets make next year work.[^]


Dan, hi, i just added a post to Penton Racing Talk, the club i belong to is having our 3rd annual Vintage race, in N.J. just North of Atlantic City, i know this is short notice but it was desided upon at the last meeting, VERY Vintage Friendly Race, mostly grass track and a small woods section that is used for the Quads -wide open-, maybe-maybe !!!, thanks, Mike G. { REMINDER !! - Race is this Sat. Oct. 14, 9:00am, for more info go to }

Mike Gallagher, Camden County, NJ. - 71 Six- Day 125 Steel Tanker, 2- 1972 Six-Days, 73 Six-Day, 73 Jackpiner, 75 Mint 400, 76 MC5-400
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]


Hey Mike, thx for the info. Went to the website, but it lacks directions to the track, help??  Possibility I could be there.


Dan, hi, you have mail, thanks, Mike G.

Mike Gallagher, Camden County, NJ. - 71 Six- Day 125 Steel Tanker, 2- 1972 Six-Days, 73 Six-Day, 73 Jackpiner, 75 Mint 400, 76 MC5-400
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]


Just a little cpr to get this back in sight .


Just a little cpr to get this back in sight .


Well I guess there is not alot to do in the NE, so I guess I'm headed south. You'll find a post here for a gathering in NC in April, it's on my list. And from the Hodaka website is the Blue Diamond Run in May, also on my list. With a little luck I should be able to do one weekend a month, gathering with other Pentonites somewhere in this country, with the VMD in July and the 07 reunion ride in the fall. I only need a couple of more to fill out my calender? Mike from Jersey, you with me????? Lets get this boat in the water and see how she floats.[^]


I figured it was time to drag this up from the basement and put it in sight again. Any NE people going to the POG meeting in Feb?? I'm not sure yet, but I'd like to.


I get the feeling I'm pushing a bike with a flat tire, out of gas and the chain is broke.

Rain Man

Dan, Ya shoulda checked the air in your tires, filled the tank with gas, and installed new chain wheels on your bike !! Maybe then ya won't hafta push it :D
  All the Penton fellas I know that are active in the NorthEast are also racing/riding with  NETRA.  There also officers in the Dirt Bike clubs around New England that sponsor the different dirt bike events. Very, very Busy Fellas, never the less.
 I doubt they frequent this site. We have had  some Vintage hare Scrambles in Connecticut, and theres a Vintage thing coming up at the Farm in Conn. on Nov. 26. Just an informal moto X.  There is some more information on the "New England Dirt Bike" web site.
 Myself, I retired from driving all over the Northeast to attend events, on a weekly basis. 35 years in the sport, yadayada wah wah wah... I participate in a few events and there mostly Netra rides or hare scrambles or flat track races.( KACHING $$$)
  You will find much more Vintage gatherings south of here 4 sure,
 Please don't despair, time is of essence.

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Rain Man

Oh ya, one more thing
The fastest Flat track racer in the country comes from New England [8D]
 And theres quite a few other real, real  fast woods  riders up this way too !!
 Can anybody guess who !!  
(And i wondered why he laps me in the senior class !!)

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


Ray, I'm not looking for something every weekend, once a month would be good. If you've got anything thay would be of interest post it here and we'll see what happens.   thx   Dan


Happy T-Day,
I don't get on here half as much as I would like to and just read  this post for the first time.  I would be very interested in a get together like this and have a venue to offer. I think it would be great to have a vintage ride, but your idea of a dry meet might be something I could help out with. I am located in Lake George, N.Y.
one hour north of Albany. I own a Golf Course and the  clubhouse is not used at all in the winter time.  Just something to throw out there.  I know that it is not real central but there is lot of lodging and such. Just an idea.  Scot Smith


I never met a golf course I didn't want (like) to ride on.  Wish you were a little closer.

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Tucson, AZ
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Tucson, AZ


Thanks Scot, what do you think Capitol area POGgers? Are there enuff of you to make this a practical idea?? Get together, show off your bikes, bench race, maybe some chow? Speak up now. This includes the rest of New England also. Up for a get together? [^]