little burr 50th enduro

Started by p3mn256, October 02, 2006, 07:39:16 PM

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hi guys i'm with the enduro riders assoc we have be putting on the little burr enduro for 49 years and next year is the 50th.  if we were to offer a vintage enduro on sat before the reg. enduro ,50 easy miles, no computers just watch and odo , would there be any interest?    thanks for any imput.   steve barber 614 891 1369

steve barber
steve barber

Paul Danik

   Do you have an idea as to what date your event would take place on?  This message board is read by folks from all over the country and some may not be familiar with your event, could you provide the location?  This sounds like a neat idea.



the likely date would be 1st weekend after labor day. we are located in McArthur,Ohio, in southern ohio. We also put on the baby burr national dual sport on oct 14 & 15, this event is also vintage friendly. the little burr was a national enduro for many years, until we started putting on isdt/isde qualifiers. we're back putting on enduros again. this was the race that in 1969 John Penton was the only finisher and rumored to have been seen running thru the woods carrying his bike. if there is enough interest we would like to put this event on.  this is just in the exploratory stages but we would like to do this.  any interest or questions you can call 614 891 1369 or email at [email protected]

steve barber
steve barber

dennis brown

steve,i'm sure there would be intrest in the event! i rode the 250 little burr 3 times on penton and huskys, i'll ride my 1967 greeves at your event next year  dennis brown

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Paul Danik

   We have a POG meeting on Thursday evening and I will be glad to pass the word about your proposed vintage enduro.  I know the first question will be what requirements will the bikes have to meet as far as being street legal, proof of insurance, ect.  Any information that you can provide will be helpful.
   Your area always was a hotbed for enduros and it would be nice to get a group together for your ride.


paul the requirements would be the same as a local enduro. headlight,taillight and licence plate.   "enduro legal"   you need to look legal and the sheriff will leave us alone. we have a great relationship with the local sheriff department.

steve barber
steve barber


Count me in, why not, I might as well do it while I can still enjoy it.[^]

dennis brown

steve, you may want to get in touch with ahrma and make it a ahrma event also.please let us do the time keeping and route sheets, an easy but real enduro.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


i posted a note on the ahrma discussion board in the cross country category concerning this event. also, i'll talk it up at the ahrma cross-country events that i attend. i bet that we could get a pretty decent turnout for it.  chijer

Tony Price

Just a note here guys, but the original posting author has not alluded to an affiliation with AHRMA for the event.

I'm not offering an opinion one way or another, but perhaps a down shift in deference to the hosting club might be in order before we plan their event for them.



it would be a great event, and to be honest it probably would not be affiliated with ahrma. they really don't have a vintage enduro thing set up.  even their isdt reunion ride events are more like a harescrambles than a timekeeping enduro. that being said, there are probably a lot of ahrma guys like myself that are into vintage offroad bikes that would jump at the chance for an event such as this, especially if it doesn't conflict with a series event where we run for points. i'll be there and i'll try to drag as many of my ahrma buddies along as possible.   chijer

Paul Danik

  The gang at the POG meeting last night really liked your plan to run a vintage enduro.  I think you can count on a number of Pentons showing up for your event if you decide to go through with it.
   Please keep us posted on what your group decides to do. Please extend our thanks to your club members for taking the time to provide us with an event to ride that will suit the trailriders as well as the enduro/time keepers.

Paul Danik

  The gang at the POG meeting last night really liked your plan to run a vintage enduro.  I think you can count on a number of Pentons showing up for your event if you decide to go through with it.
   Please keep us posted on what your group decides to do. Please extend our thanks to your club members for taking the time to provide us with an event to ride that will suit the trailriders as well as the enduro/time keepers.


ok guys  it looks like we're going to do it. dates won't be confirmed until after dist 11 sanction meeting 11/11/6.  we are shooting for the weekend after labor day.  i have a course in mind and it will be in zalski state forest and around lake hope.  any imput will be helpful  classes,  rules , etc.  i want to invite any previous overall winners to attend for photo's and a special presentation . if anyone knows of any winners and the year they won i'm trying to update our records .  you may contact me at [email protected] or 614 891 1369 or 614 582 7821  thanks for your interest. steve barber Enduro Riders Assoc.

steve barber
steve barber


Quotequote:Originally posted by chicagojerry

it would be a great event, and to be honest it probably would not be affiliated with ahrma. they really don't have a vintage enduro thing set up.  even their isdt reunion ride events are more like a harescrambles than a timekeeping enduro. that being said, there are probably a lot of ahrma guys like myself that are into vintage offroad bikes that would jump at the chance for an event such as this, especially if it doesn't conflict with a series event where we run for points. i'll be there and i'll try to drag as many of my ahrma buddies along as possible.   chijer

Jerry,..the ISDT-RR is just what it says,..a 2 day Six day rule enduro.
(time keeping enduros are the reason why the North Americans can not win the ISDE.)

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