'D' motor jetting specs

Started by Marc Biro, November 16, 2007, 04:55:06 PM

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Marc Biro

We would like to run a 'D' cylinder with a 30mm Bing. Any suggestions on jetting?


marc biro


Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Marc Biro

Larry Perkins


I respond only because it is you and I so admire your bikes and work.  That jetting will leave you with a 125 that is harder to start and blubbering on the bottom.  The needle jet and pilot jet are too rich, I think.  Try 276 and 35, 40 max.

Larry P


Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Larry Perkins


This is exactly why I try not to play here.  Many are just TOO sensitive.  I meant no disrespect so sorry you feel slighted.  I merely was trying to help Marc too from my experience.  Just giving what I felt was another opinion.  By the way I never seized a 125 Penton with that jetting and I have put in a couple of laps.  I should have e-mailed Marc directly.  My mistake and I will try hard to not make it again.

Larry P


Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Slide -# 1--Needle-# 1--main jet-150---needle-#2.76 or 2.80--pilot jet-#35or #45--atomizer#40-404----Needle all the way up #2.76 , all the down for #2.80. these setting for low air flow ---good air flow go Main-jet- 150-155---p-jet #35--- needle #280-- needle position #2 (middle) --Marc tell Victor to go MIC-


Not all poggers get online everyday.  I see Larrys posting as( HIS ) input , I think you read into it the wrong way .Keep it COOL[8D][8D][8D]:):):)[:X] -------P.S --To anyone ,Do not use a needle jet from a different type or size of bing .I understand that there are three sizes but have the same number on them.  LG

Marc Biro

Hey Poggers,

Didn't mean to stir things up! I respect all of your opinions and appreciate your input.


Marc Biro

larry G,

I tell him until I'm blue in the face to go Mikuni. I think I'll just stick a carb apron around it. he'll never know what's under there!



Larry P,

no offense emanated from your jet setting suggestion - it was completely benign.  

fwiw, I sense a 'sensivity pattern', but it's not Larry P's ...  http://www.pentonusa.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8353


Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Mr. Good:

I must admit Marc talked me into a Mikuni for the 125 "D" and guaranteed I would be able to pop wheelies through four gears with it like I used to when I was a kid.

I will, however, assemble the 30 mm Bing and 28 mm Bing and have them in my racing parts box for a quick switch, when the other Euorpean Bikers say I am Japanesing my Penton.

My experience is when the Bing is right and the rider "Shifts like a Gentlemen" the Sachs is unbeatable !

At least in my mind !


PS Mr. Good, my super secret Sachs will be ready for Santa to take it out for a spin.....30 HP ?  Hang on ! You'll be seing me out there in March or so....at least my taillights!  And thanks for your input.....

Marc Biro

V Monz,

Even with reverting back to the 'European' carb, you may be surprised at what 'non European' parts reside between the 2 side covers with the word Sachs on them!


ps...I only guaranteed wheelie's if you ran a Jackpiner magnesium front hub.



Are you running for President......you're waffling :D

See You.