New Vintage National Series

Started by gooddirt, January 29, 2009, 12:14:25 AM

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Just what we need, another (3rd) national "series" we can't afford to race in(another "checkbook challenge"). By the way, if you look at the way it is structured and formatted the local outfits do the work and the national guys take the credit, fact is all USVMX did (as well as ripoff the name from USVMXGP) was put their name on a bunch of independent events, what a joke.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Merlin, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Larry Perkins

There will continue to be others that give it a try till someone gets it right and AHRMA has done much to run people off to try something different because of a lack of flexibility and a will to listen.  An example is it took AHRMA 5 years to finally cave to 100cc racing and they still refuse to hear the pleas of youth racing.  It actually looks like this series would be more affordable to do than the AHRMA National series though there are things I don't agree with here class wise.  

One of those Independent events is Harper's Memorial Day race in the Missouri Vintage Series which left AHRMA a few years ago because of the disagreement over kids and 100cc racing.  The Missouri Vintage Motocross Series is one of the largest state series in the United States and has proven to be a success.  The Memorial Day race generally draws close to 300 riders, makes money, and almost everyone gets a plaque.  AHRMA could learn from this fun set-up that is very close to AHRMA rules with the exception of kids modern and vintage classes that has drawn many families from vintage and modern racing.  

I say this series is not a joke but another attempt to get it right.  Unfortunately it too is short of a great example we have been successfully promoting in Missouri for many years now.  AVDRA seems to be the closest in my opinion but for now lacks more than a Regional scope.  Time may change that and if so time is what AHRMA does not have if it hopes to come out on top in the long run.

Larry P

Ernie Phillips

Why do people attend a National much less try and score points toward a championship?  For me, it's because a National series brings out more and better competition than your typical local event.  Using some of AHRMA's National events as an example, Diamond Don's & Mid-O, these places attract a large number of participants which produce full gates and good competition. Plus, when you aren't racing, there are plenty of things going on to interest and entertain the vintage geek.  Even though I won't be able to go to many USVMX events because of conflicts with AHRMA Cross Country dates and long drives to events, I'll go where and when I can.   I think the USVMX National "umbrella" where they have pulled together a group of liked-minder clubs with a common purpose will prove to be a huge success.    Will USVMX pull racers away from AHRMA?  Does AHRMA even care?  (ie. no VMX at Barber this year!)

In defense of AHRMA, the CC program under Teddy Lander's leadership is getting better and better with several stand-alone, multi-day events.  He and his group of helpers care and it shows.

Peter, I commend you and Woody for your USVMXGP efforts.  I'd love to be there but can't skip work/school.  Good luck and much success.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Dave Mitchell

Gents,I think the problem most poeple are having in these economically challenged times is we all would like to hit as many nationals as we can.But if your situation is anything like mine in the ARMA NW series,I live in north Idaho and four out of five nationals are in California the other national is in Chehallis WA. this is only six hours away and doable.We have two AHRMA races inland, niether one a national .I have been working at getting another one but when I looked to a fellow Ahrma member in Spokane who has spent some time doing the same, all I got was attitude.I've got a place and a organizer maybe we can make it happen for 2010.Look I just want to race and work on bikes and hang with poeple that are like minded.You get alot of money into your bikes and I'm not the kinda guy that just wants to stare at it.So I can see guys gettin frustrated and starting their own deal.Hey you have do what you have do.It goes back to the old sunday scrambles most of us raced in our youth, the old beanfield wars. Riding is what was important. To some of us, that is always what it will come down to.


Hey! Hey ! Merlin  . There is nothing wrong  with- ANY -vintage race. I go to every one I can and support ALL the promoters . Why not SUPPORT the sport!  You had a race you were helping to promote as I remember. I'am not promoter for these  races I just saw it in Racer-X magazine and passing on the Info .  WE can do without boycotts of any clubs. Some of these  clubs still or have run with ahrma, do you know most race events make no money THEY do it for the SPORT!!  They are giving you a chance to RACE no matter what club they are. I have been a Ahrma member and Racing vintage from 1995 and have seen this type of thing  going on for that many years. THE Vintage Racers Quote : .... " Why whine and cry when you can ride.":):)[:0][:X][:X] LG


It is your attitude along with AHRMA's (and the others driven by $$$) that will make the independents unite to create a Loretta Lynn type format and ultimately race one big event at a central location with mutual interest, not greed, or trying to get back at some other organization.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Merlin, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Quotequote:Loretta Lynn type format and ultimately race one big event
Not a bad Ideal


The only attitude I have is race at all the clubs and tracks I can . Maybe You should READ my post again, and go  back to the usvmx  web site; I think those are all independent clubs. And is the march 2-3 race or the one on march 15th the races you posted info for the FLVMX club,  and they are part of this series ?  So I do not understand your statement. Hey, I would go to  a L. Lynn type format race as well, but want to ride more than one event a year.  See you at the races !  :D  LG


LG, for starters the USVMX-GP (a completely stand alone event) came first and the other guys tried to hijack it( they managed to ripoff the name but not the race), Woody Graves gave them the MARCH 15 ST Petersburg FLVMX race, perhaps it is you that needs to read their schedule.
 As far as the Loretta Lynn format, you ride local and area qualifiers to ride the big race, seems to be a bit more than one event.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Ok , I read the schedule and made the change in my post while you were posting. ( We had a posting cross) . I guess they worked it out if they are part of the FLVMX  race dates ?   And USVMX had made a note of the dates and race name on their site. Anyway I will leave that for them to work out, as I have only time to get these vintage bikes running. Yes you are right on the L .Lynn  format I had forgot about the qualifers .[8D] LG


LG, your point about racing whenever possible was not being ignored, I think that races for vintage/post vintage should be more about the sport and less about picking people's pockets. I would also submit that the sport would be better served if the many local vintage racing series around the nation remain their own entity with a goal of sending riders to a central event somewhere in the middle of the country. This would be in the interest of the locals because their series is already in place yet would take on a new dimension without any changes, you could be the local champ and still elect to stay home from the big race. As for the once a year big race, history shows most will make plans a year in advance for one big goal (Daytona Bikeweek, Mid-Ohio, ISDT Reunion, Loretta Lynn),it is therefore a chance to put together a superior event once a year without requiring extensive repeated travel, this is truly the way to crown national champions without going broke.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


hello Peter.

my name is Siege.

Here's the actual deal; in Florida there is one goal; make Woody and FLVMX look good.

In fact that's the idea. All the independent organizations can agree to share a National Series amongst themselves. Even cooler, and kind of funny; it doesn't actually add any races to the schedule. These races are already happening.

We have no leader.

There is no "they".

Each one of us is all involved in our local series.


If you want to help Woody, and the Florida Racers, maybe you can try to get riders to support ALL of Woody's Races, FLVMX and the USVMXGP.

feel free to call me 206-526-0549


Domain Name: USVMXGP.COM
      Created on: 22-Dec-08
      Expires on: 22-Dec-09
      Last Updated on: 22-Dec-08

Domain Name: USVMX.COM
      Created on: 03-Jan-09
      Expires on: 03-Jan-12
      Last Updated on: 03-Jan-09

 // needs you????

Woody doesn't need your help to look good, as a matter of fact you need FLVMX to make you look good, the program is one of the best or you would not be posting here. The fact is you need good local programs to make you look good, you have no stake in the game other than a web site and hitching your wagon to already exsiting racing programs, so what is in it for you??

 By the way don't hold your breath for me to call you.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Larry Perkins


Why are you so bent on this?  Siege as best I can tell is gaining nothing from this as there is no organization to join.  To me most anything that promotes the sport and helps there be more opportunities to participate is a good thing.  I am just not seeing why it is upsetting you I guess.  If anyone is copying it is then flattery and both are copying the USGP which goes much farther back.  I say the more the better and then anyone can choose to play or not.  In America we have that freedom and hopefully an attitude of live and let live.

Larry P