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Messages - EdY

Penton Talk / Penton 80cc
January 08, 2007, 05:19:29 PM
I think the little Penton was 50cc, not 80cc.  John once told me that only two were built.  One is in his posession.  He said the other is in Austria.

Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Mr. January Bob Andersohm
January 07, 2007, 04:51:39 PM
To read about the Puch-powered Penton prototype, go to, then scroll down to "The Steel Tank Jackpiner," the story dated 8/15/2006.
Penton Talk / Dave Mungenast Book
October 18, 2006, 08:07:25 PM
Yes, there will be Mungenast books for sale at the Classic reception in St. Louis next Thursday evening.  It runs from 6 to 10.  You can find directions on the Classic web site.
Penton Talk / Dave Mungenast Book
October 18, 2006, 03:35:13 PM
I do not plan to offer the Mungenast book on my Motohistory web site.  This project was funded by the Mungenast family, and I will not compete with them for sales.  The book is also available through Whitehorse Press.  I recommend that interested parties buy the book from Whitehorse or through the Classic Motorcycle LLC web site.

I plan to be at the ISDTR reception at Classic next Thursday, and I can autograph books for anyone who is interested, but Classic will be conducting the sales.

Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Hemmings article?
August 09, 2006, 09:15:04 PM
Oooops!  That should read September 2006 issue of Hemmings.

Ed Y.
Penton Talk / Hemmings article?
August 09, 2006, 09:13:08 PM
Shure Nuff!  The September 2003 issue of Hemmings Motor News has a story about the steel tank Penton.  It is by Craig Fitzgerald and the photos are of one of Kip's bikes provided by the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum.  It is an accurate and compact one-page history and it gives the POG web site a nice pop.

Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Penton at Mountainfest
July 31, 2006, 10:35:18 PM
I attended the Mountainfest.  There were about 130 motorcycles on display.  The Penton was very well positioned.  It was right up front when you walked into the exhibit hall.  

Ed Youngblood
Thank, Dane.  I think John's comments, conveyed through you, help bring an issue into perspective that has become way too confrontational elsewhere on this forum.  I would like to weigh in with some remarks that I hope will not upset Mr. Everett or anyone else.

The historical landscape is littered with pitiful tales of people with good intentions who tried to enter our modern, complex, brutally competitive motorcycle industry by invoking the name of a classic brand.  These include Indian, Excelsior/Henderson, and Vincent, to name a few.  All have failed, squandered vast sums from investors, and in most cases destroyed the reputations of the men who were so brave (or foolish?) as to embark upon such projects.

I think some have reacted with concern that a similar effort with the name Penton might hurt our great Penton hertiage.  I think there is little likelihood this will happen.  If we review the failed efforts listed above, we can see that not one had the affect of damaging the reputation or collectible value of the authentic, original brand.  Indian is probably the most abused of these names.  I can think of at least four ventures that have attempted to resurrect Indian.  They all failed miserably and disastrously from a financial point of view, but Indian remains as strong as ever as a mythological marque and a great collectible motorcycle.  Indeed, one might even argue that these failures only bolstered the reputation and authenticity of the real thing.  Likewise, the ill-fated Excelsior/Henderson venture may have squandered a hundred-million of investor's money, not to mention the additional millions lost by dealers, but it did not reduce the value of a real Henderson by one red cent.

I say to Mr. Everett or anyone else who would try to resurrect the Penton name, study your history carefully before investing your time, money, and reputation.  And I would say to fellow POG members, don't get too concerned about this issue.  I don't think any one of us is capable -- even in our worst foolishness -- of doing anything that could damage the great Penton name and heritage.  

Let's focus on honoring the real thing.  If someone believes the best way to do this is to create a latter-day version, fine, let him try.  History will be his judge.

Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Speaking of Champions...Steve Wise
February 06, 2006, 02:11:00 PM
Cool!  Thanks, Ron.  The Motorcycle Hall of Fame web site is becoming a great historical resource.  They are compiling a huge amount of information about the men and women who are members of the Hall of Fame.  To the greatest extent, you can thank a journalist and researcher named Larry Lawrence.  Larry is writing those bios, and doing a great job, in my opinion.  I turn to this site quite often for historical research.

Ed Y.
Penton Talk / Hi Point name history
February 06, 2006, 02:06:18 PM
Hi-Point came from the term used in Canada for the winner of an enduro.  If you won, you were said to have "hi-pointed" the event.  John and his family regularly rode, won, and enjoyed the Corduroy Canadian National Enduro.  He chose that name from his experiences in Canada for his accessory company.

Ed Y.
Penton Talk / Brian Kenny
July 08, 2011, 10:45:59 AM
Does anyone have contact information for Brian Kenny, the pioneer American motocrosser of the late 1960s and early '70s?  Thanks -- Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Thanks
July 06, 2011, 07:05:17 AM
Just wanted to express my gratitude for the many thoughtful and supportive messages I got in late May after undergoing heart bypass surgery.  Recovery has been normal without any setbacks.  Hope to see you all soon. -- Ed Y.
Penton Talk / Last National
April 11, 2007, 11:18:23 AM
I just got a review copy of a DVD documentary about the change from traditional timekeeping to an European format in AMA enduros that might be of interest to Poggers.  You'll find my review on my web site.  Go to and scroll down to the story dated 4/7/2007.
Penton Talk / ISDT Pix
January 03, 2007, 09:29:23 PM
Check out these nice black and whites from the Massachusetts ISDT.  Lots of Penton personalities here.

Ed Youngblood
Penton Talk / Jack Penton in Cycle News
October 18, 2006, 03:45:10 PM
Just got my Issue #41 of Cycle News in the mail and note that Larry Lawrence's Archives feature is about Jack Penton this week. Best quote: Why after 20 years did Jack end his racing career?  "I got tired of washing motorcycles."  I suppose it only proves that I'm an old fart, but Archives is my favorite feature in Cycle News.