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Messages - Gene Saunders

Penton Racing Talk / Mid Ohio CC
July 17, 2012, 04:50:19 AM
All I do is "race for the fun of it" anyway. This will be my 4th year, I have always enjoyed VMDs. So let the good times roll!!!
Penton Racing Talk / Mid Ohio CC
July 16, 2012, 06:41:44 PM
Penton Racing Talk / Mid Ohio CC
July 15, 2012, 08:27:13 PM
I will sign up when I get there. I'am thinking I will race my 250 penton in vintage, then race my 93' KDX200 in modern. Anyone else racing modern?
Penton Racing Talk / Mid Ohio CC
July 09, 2012, 05:28:42 PM
Todd (my stepson) still rides the IT175. I tryed to get him to bring it to Mid-Ohio, but I don't think he will. Its running good. Thanks I may run the 50+ class B/C
Penton Racing Talk / Mid Ohio CC
July 09, 2012, 05:28:20 AM
Hey Mick, I'am in with my vintage 250 Penton too. Are you running 250-class or 50+ class?
Penton Racing Talk / How the POG Works
April 26, 2012, 04:54:35 PM
Yea, That Jerry"s a cool guy!!  (Don't tell him I said that)
Penton Racing Talk / AHRMA Cross Country Classes
April 14, 2012, 08:49:24 AM
I think this is so silly to think changing a few classes will change rider turn out. If AHRMA wanted a bigger turn out they would do something about it. "How" you ask? First you have to quit thinking vintage some how stops at a certain year. Why does vintage racing or pv racing stop at 1983? If you buy a vintage plate for an old car or truck it has to be 30-35 years old. So that means the vintage year goes up every year. Try going to a modern hare scramble race on a 1993 Kdx 200 and see the look on peoples faces, they look at you like, "Where in the hell you get that old thing." If AHRMA wants to grow they have to attract new people. Why not have three races per day? Vintage at 9am, PV at 11am, Pre-moderm at 1pm. (Pre- Modern clas: 1984- 20 years old).  That how you grow!! New people come to race pre-modern, and see the vintage bikes and think, I want one like that!! How else can we get more riders? PROMOTE the races!!! If you want to see how to promote a race look how White Lightning promoted thier race. That how you promote a race!! AHRMA does nothing to promote thier races nor does 90% of the promoters. Look at DD's, they do a great job, Road America does nothing. ISDT does nothing!! The only way I see ever getting AHRMA to grow is to get rid of some of the people running things and get some NEW thinking going on!!
I really don't know how it could get any better. Great track, great food, great place to camp and great friends. Even supercross on a big t.v.
Penton Racing Talk / Gatorback
March 13, 2012, 08:07:10 PM
I was there Friday and Saturday. I raced my 250 Penton in vintage cross country on Friday. I hung out in the pits Saturday. Great time at Gatorback. I'am looking forward to racing White Lightning this weekend.
I will send my money in this week. It's got to be in by March 2nd!!!
I will send my money in this week. It's got to be in by March 2nd!!!
Penton Racing Talk / Gatorback
January 24, 2012, 07:10:14 AM
I know it's hard to do back to back weekends. I'am going because I want to go to the banquet. I may only get to race Sunday at White Lightning.                                                              Wecome Scott!!  Hope you can make it!!
Steaks and old motorcycle movies, WOW!! How about a few dancing girls too!!
Thanks Al!!  I love a over 6 mile track!!! Track of the year!!
Penton Talk / New year’s resolution:
December 29, 2011, 06:31:13 PM
What part of the country are most of the AMA dual sport rides? I just bought a nice 1981 XL500 and need a place to ride it.