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Messages - Mark Annan

Penton Talk / Dave Mungenast memorial services
September 24, 2006, 11:33:07 PM
I just wanted to clarify the information regarding the location of Dave's memorial service.  The Old Cathedral and the Cathedral Basilica of St.Louis are different places.  According to his obituary in the Saturday newspaper the memorial service will be held at the Old Cathedral.  It is located at 209 Walnut Street.  That's downtown St.Louis near the Arch.  The Basilica is on Lindell near Forest Park.

I'm hoping I can make it to the sercive.  

Penton Talk / Impluse buying
April 14, 2005, 10:03:42 AM
I think you did pretty good.  I saw that bike listed this morning and thought it wouldn't last long.  I went to look at another auction.  When I went back a few minutes later to have a closer look at the bike it was sold!  Glad it went to a POG member.

Penton Talk / Steel Tank Questionnaire
March 16, 2005, 04:18:12 PM
I think this is great!  I'll be sending in the information for both of my steel tankers.  I'll also send in the story of how I got my first one.  Maybe I'll also tell about riding it in my first organized event (the 2001 ISDTRR).  

Penton Talk / I may be crazy but....50cc SACHS?
February 26, 2005, 11:01:21 AM
It would be a fairly easy conversion too.  The rear motor mounts are the same as the larger 100/125 motors.  A little fabrication for the front mount and away you go.


Vintage Views is the monthly magazine of AHRMA (American Historic Racing
Motorcycle Association).  It is included with membership.
The membership office is:

Lorie Smith, Membership Coordinator
PO Box 1648
Brighton, MI 48116-1648
(810) 225-6085, Fax, (810) 225-6095
[email protected]


They should ba able to set you up.

Regards,  Mark
Penton Talk / Won't start
November 18, 2004, 02:03:11 PM
It could also be your ignition.  I had a bike exhibit the same problem.  Did all the usual checks.  I'd get a spark if I pulled the plug and gave the motor a swift kick.  But, the bike would only run for a few seconds then shut off.  I finally figured out it was the motoplat dieing.  Pull the sparkplug out.  Put a known good plug in the plug wire and then ground the plug to the motor (I clamped it onto a cylinder fin with a vice grip).  Then put the bike in gear and push it a ways.  I bet you'll see a good spark at the beginning and then it will fade away and quit.

Penton Talk / Speedo for Steel Tanker
November 18, 2004, 01:51:42 PM

It depends on what your final gearing is.  The "stock" settings for enduro are:

125cc  14T countershaft, 54T rear  Speedo Ratio W1.8

100cc  13T countershaft, 54T rear  Speedo ratio W1.95

Penton Talk / Almost ready for ISDTRR
October 20, 2004, 03:07:45 PM
Bob (and Dave),

You guys have fun at the Reunion Ride.  Unfortunately I have had to cancel my trip to this years event.  I have ridden my Steel Tanker at the last 3 reunions.  I'll sure miss doing it again it this year.  It would have been great to have 3 of them on row 47!
Mark Annan

PS Good luck to all the POG members going to the Reunion Ride this weekend.
Wanted / For Sale / New 125 6B rod kits
September 23, 2004, 07:45:42 PM

I think they have an office fairly close to me.  Do you have their stock number or some other ID number they may recognize.  Last time I tried to get a guy to look up a M 20 "magneto bearing" all I got was a blank stare.

Wanted / For Sale / New 125 6B rod kits
September 23, 2004, 03:31:17 PM
How does the weight of the new rod kit  compare with the original stuff?  Will it be necessary to rebalance the crank,rod,piston assembly?

Now we need a good supply of the main bearings.  

Thanks,  Mark
Penton Talk / ISDTR dispays, parking, camping etc
August 06, 2004, 10:21:56 PM

Contact Vern.  His info is on the ISDTRR web site.

It's only 11 weeks away!!!

See you there.

Penton Talk / Razorback weekend
March 29, 2004, 10:42:46 AM
The following note was posted to the Vinduro site.  I thought I would pass it along to this group.  I hope they do it again next year.

Mark A

I have been informed by the esteemed Teddy Landers that these addresses are where I can reach many of the fine people that joined us this weekend for the vintage qualifier. Some may be people that were there in mind and spirit, rather than body.
  On behalf of the Razorback Riders, I would like to thank all the folks that were a part of this incredible event. I can only hope that you had as much fun riding the marginally unforgiving trails of the White Rock area, as we had putting on the event, and meeting you. From the fella who came from Maryland and seized his bike not half way through the first loop, to the many who finished the weekend on the grass track, we thank you from the bottom of our dirt bike lovin' hearts.
  I hope you were able to swap stories and tell lies in true enduro fashion. To see a bunch come together from different sides of the country, and be as pleasant and enjoyable under some ugly weather conditions was inspiring. Not to mention the bikes. It's like going back in time. I brought "On Any Sunday" to watch, but who needed it? All I had to do was look outside. It was awesome.
  For those who didn't recognize him, the guy starting the Sunday ride was Bart Winters, Leroy Winters son. He joined us late Saturday night.
  Once again, I would like to thank you for making the event such a pleasure.

  Charlie Sparks
  President, Razorback Riders

  PS If you know of anyone that I missed, please show this to them.
Well I guess I share my story.  I have found plenty of bugs and mice in the nooks and crannies of various vehicles I have worked on.  Plenty of them have given me a start when they jump out after being disturbed.  The most exciting happened in a 53 Ford F1.  It happened when I was in High School.  I had bought the remains of the old truck off a friend of mine that lived about 20 miles down the highway from me.  

The truck didn't run so we had to tow it to my house.  We hooked a to logging chain up to the back of his truck and the front of my newly acquired project.  I got the great pleasure of steering (and trying to stop) the old truck at the end of that chain.  We devised a system of hand signals to communicate between vehicles.  We made it out of the barn and down the couple miles of country road with out too much excitement or difficulty.  Just had to be careful slowing down, the old truck didn't have much in the way of brakes.  We got out on the highway and started moving along at the minimum pace (45MPH).

After a couple miles of that I figured we could go a little faster so I signaled my friend to step it up.  About that time I had a little itch on my ankle.  I moved my other foot over and rubbed it a little and all was well.  When I put my foot back down it landed on something that had a little "give" to it.  I looked down to see what it might be.  I was a large black snake!  It probably was only about 4 feet long but in than cab of that truck it seemed like it was a least 40 feet.  And it wasn't just any old black snake.  It was a mommy.  There were at least a dozen little snaketts slithering around my feet trying to crawl into any dark, warm place they could find.  My pant legs seemed to be a favorite destination.  To say I didn't care for this situation would be a bit of an understatement.

I started flashing hand signals to my buddy ahead to pull the rig over.  He thought I was telling him to speed up.  So he did.  I kept signaling and he kept accelerating.  With both feet I stood on the brake pedal, as much to get above the snake pit at to slow the truck down.  It didn't do much good on either count.  I briefly thought about abandoning ship but instead just steered for the shoulder.  Brad finally got the idea that something was up when I about yanked his truck sideways off the road.  He let off the gas and pulled over.  Like he had any choice.  

I was out of the truck and doing the Get These Dammed Pants Off Running Dance before he even had his truck in park.  Turns out there was one little guy curled around my ankle and I wanted to make sure there were no other passengers along for this part of the ride.  I jumped around for about 5 minutes before I calmed down enough to tell Brad to go have a look in the truck.  He about jumped in front of a passing truck when he did.  Neither of us could muster the courage to crawl under the front of the truck and unhook the chain.  So we unhooked it from his truck and just left it, the truck, and the snakes there.  For about a week.  When we finally went back to get it I'm sure we looked like a couple monkeys jumping around checking to make sure all the snakes had departed.  

Never did finish that project.  Kind of lost my enthusiasm for it.

Mark A
Penton Talk / Interesting memorabilia on eBay.
January 30, 2004, 04:05:54 PM
Unfortunately I can't make it over for the weekend.  I really wish I could,  know it will be great.  We will have to try and meet some other time.  

Penton Talk / Mid-Ohio
January 29, 2004, 03:40:35 PM

Yes, I was referring to the seminar(s) at the Penton get together at the Museum.  Those seminars are just the kind of thing that need to be preserved for future generations.  So they can hear the history from the history makers.
