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Messages - gooey


I was just in St Louis 3 weeks ago and had NO clue !   darn .. I would have LOVED to see it. If it was anywhere near I-70 I spent a lot of time stopped there anyway    LOL !

Classic Motorcycles LLC
5625 Gravois
St. Louis, MO 63116
(314) 481-1291

It is 5 blocks South (or West depending who you talk to) of the Bevo Mill.  On the North side of Gravois between Bates and Christie.  It is worth a stop if you are in the area.


Penton Talk / Pentons at Camelback
June 05, 2002, 07:32:37 AM
i think walgreens will do it, too ... and, Osco if yours isnt gone yet

Penton Talk / Cancelled Races
April 09, 2002, 11:01:43 PM
AHRMA has to do things differently than other venues. Mostly because in order to participate, one must travel a long ways in most cases. AHRMA is growing which is good, but they dont seem to be recognizing their growing pains, and it will cost them memberships. They will never know this untl someone tells them.    I failed to renew my mebership for several reasons ... not the least of which is the whole traveling thing. by the time I add up the AHRMA membership, AMA membership, Gate fee, entry fee, ,, I have about 115.00 in one race, one class, two motos,BEFORE I get to the gas, food, pop, race gas/oil. supplies/ broken parts ... and that is the only race realistically driveable as a one day deal from my house. Anywhere else, and you risk the AHRMA gods pulling the plug on the race and making it really inconvienient. I need to plan what little vacation time I have available very efficiently,   Im sure Im not the only one. I wont plan a weekend like that because that is such a prominent issue, my vacation days are simply too precious to waste right now.

March 05, 2002, 09:45:31 PM
It is with a Heavy heart that I say "Farewell, Penton man" .... You dont know this, but you were a HUGE part of my decision to goof around with old bikes.  

I was gazing thru a Walnecks one day, and saw an article about AHRMA, and got on he net and found a Jackpiner in my state, ... I was always a lil mystified by Pentons, so I bought it. It was then that I came into contact with you, Larry, and you told me some thigs just the way they were .... even though it wasnt what I wanted to hear, I took it all in .... Even though I wound up on Maico's I have respected the amount of knowledge and willingness to shre that knowledge that can be found around the Penton camp.  I decided early on that with people like you in the vintage hobby, it could be a great deal of fun.

I only met you once, and only very briefly, but believe me Larry, I view you as a friend and the hobby and all in it will feel your absence one way or another.

Thank you for all you did, whether you knew it or not.

Penton Talk / ahrma and the 1973 six days
December 11, 2001, 10:24:28 PM
thanx guys ,, I dont even own the bike yet,, but will soon ,, and am putting a plan together ,,, my $$$ assets alloctaed for bikes has been temporarily frozen by "osama grandmama" ( the lil wifey) ... after the freeze is over,, alledgedly at the close of he holiday season,or shortly thereafter, off we go !  I was reading the rule book,, and was kinda surprised the bike fit the classic class not the sportsman,, I THOUGHT I was reading it correctly

Penton Talk / POG AND EBAY
December 10, 2001, 07:49:31 PM
On  EBay , I bid to buy ,, I also sell things with the expectation that they will sell for what is fair on the marketplace,, I have started many items, Penton and otherwise, at a figure I would have hated to see them sell for ... if we start deciding who buys what ,, it will most likely make the seller start things out at a higher price,,,

 I try to use some common sense,, one time I wanted to bid on a bike not too far from me, but Donnie was the other bidder,, so i knew he was a more qualified buyer than me ,, and I only sorta wanted it ,, Im sure not bad enuff to outbid Donnie,, so I backed away,, I can assure you that if I want something badly enuff,, I will do everything within my power to buy it ,,
 Its not cuz i donlt like you ,, I DO like you all,, this is a very informative board ,, and everyone here is great,, I am in the process of obtaining another Penton because of the awesome support ,, but if you and I both want something,, I will bid,, I will most likely be sneaky,, and I will bid absolutley as much as I am willing to spend,, and please dont get mad if I come in ahead of you at the last second,, I dont buy too much too often,, and E Bay is the only place I will come in ahead of you ! NEVER on a race track ... I can bout guarantee it !

 E bay is an interesting forum,, and i DO support the idea that if someone REALLY needs something bad,, they should be allowed some room,, but I really think there is room for competition there too, I am invloved in buying at auctions at work,, and its hard to bid against the same customers that support me every day,, but it has to be done for the system to work !

November 14, 2001, 08:35:32 PM
ACTUALLY ,, here in the midwest in Auto racing,, ( and the state I live in has the highest # of dirt tracks per capita ) the season winner is determined by points earned,, a guy can finish 2nd or 3rd a lot,, run real real consistently in the top,, never miss a show,, and win the season points,, is rare,, but could happen ....

Using this formula ,, the winner would be reversed,, I think most forms of racing are that way ... the points system  is there to let you know how you did overall,not simply if you won a bunch o' races, but I think a good point was made when it was said " Are Chad and/or Ted griping ?? "

 ACTUAKLLY WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS :if something needs fixed so this doesnt happen again,, lets let someone know so it can be fixed ....  If you had a broken shock mount or something on the swingarm that was knocking your master link off,, would you replace the master link and l;eave the arm messed up ,,, or would you fix the arm so the problem didnt keep happening ???  

 By the way Larry,, it was nice to say Hi for a sec. in Mo and put a face w/ the name !

November 14, 2001, 08:35:32 PM
ACTUALLY ,, here in the midwest in Auto racing,, ( and the state I live in has the highest # of dirt tracks per capita ) the season winner is determined by points earned,, a guy can finish 2nd or 3rd a lot,, run real real consistently in the top,, never miss a show,, and win the season points,, is rare,, but could happen ....

Using this formula ,, the winner would be reversed,, I think most forms of racing are that way ... the points system  is there to let you know how you did overall,not simply if you won a bunch o' races, but I think a good point was made when it was said " Are Chad and/or Ted griping ?? "

 ACTUAKLLY WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAID WAS :if something needs fixed so this doesnt happen again,, lets let someone know so it can be fixed ....  If you had a broken shock mount or something on the swingarm that was knocking your master link off,, would you replace the master link and l;eave the arm messed up ,,, or would you fix the arm so the problem didnt keep happening ???  

 By the way Larry,, it was nice to say Hi for a sec. in Mo and put a face w/ the name !

Penton Talk / still can't break it free......
October 26, 2001, 08:35:49 PM
Knock'er Loose from K&W products ,,, let it sit over nite and KNOCKER LOOSE !  ( named after an ole girlfriend Im sure)

those bikes are in my home town if anyone needs an unbiased set of eyes to look at em ....

Penton Talk / Photo's of my CA Stable
August 11, 2001, 12:03:40 PM

 somethin for everyone,, I, myself,, like a good clean useable motorcycle with a couple flaws so you dont feel so bad if you shoot it off a berm and it shoots YOU to the upper startosphere .... and you have a couple of those too ! ( i didnt see the nebraska wassell in there .. am I blind ?? )

Penton Talk / Road-Race Report, Spokane Washington
July 27, 2001, 07:55:28 PM
send em to me @ [email protected] ... and I will post a url here so all can see ... I kinda wanna see too !

Penton Talk / 1984 KTM495 technical question
July 25, 2001, 11:30:10 PM
dont you think that at some point,,, a gun is cheaper ???  ok,, just kiddin !  (maybe kiddin ??)

Penton Talk / Road-Race Report, Spokane Washington
July 24, 2001, 10:15:10 PM


 I would NEVER get on a road course again after landing on my noggin at 65 mph .... 'course I suffer a disadvantage in that department ... an empty container will crush MUCH faster than a loaded one ... so my egg would be crushed for sure !

 again,, good luck ! very interesting reading .... and,, the happy ending was good too !

 everyone likes to win ! But my philosophy is much simpler ..... I just like to live thru it !