Straight cut primary gears for a Sachs

Started by john durrill, June 02, 2003, 08:57:02 AM

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john durrill

recieved a reply from Rush Gears, they advertize building most kinds of gears in a short time frame. Looks to be a large company that build one off replacement gears.
 They declined to bid on the gear project.
 Looks like im back to looking again.
 We need 6 more that would go for the $250 price to get the German MZ enginer to design and have them made.
John D.



Put my name on the list. Can't let you boys on the East Coast have something I don't. LOL

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

john durrill

Thats % guys now if we can just get 5 more , chuckle chuckle we are in . :>)))


Dave H.

John,  I'm afraid I can't justify it to the bank (the Misses.)
But I appreciate your efforts immensely.
Dave H.


rob w

Mark Annan, You have some straight cut primary gears, can you notice any difference at all in the performance? I've heard they can make a winning noise, is that true?

John, I picked up the yellow pages a couple of weeks ago and called a guy listed under "gear makers". He said it's easy enough to make the gears, but the ones he makes are for commercial/industrial use. He said for a motorcycle engine you would want automotive or aircraft quality, and that the teeth should be ground after heat treat. The nearest shop to do that would be in a larger city like Detroit or Chicago.
Considering all of that and that there is a few other operations in there like milling the curved slots for the pressure plate and the (3)tapped holes, along with maybe lapping out the center hole for the bearing fit, that's a whole bunch of work.
$250 dollars does'nt sound like so much now. But I am curious as to how effective these parts really are for performance. Maybe if we all go road racing on our Sixday's we could really appreciate the added edge.
Thanks again John.


Mark Annan

I have a used set of straight gut gears.  I have not installed them yet.  I plan to do it some time in the not to distant future.  I want to get a good feel for how my bike is with the stock setup then try the straight gears.  When I do it I will report the findings.  I'm sure they will be noisier than the stock gears.  How much I don't know.  As for HP increase I would expect a small gain ( less than 10%).



john durrill

Richard, Rob , Robert , Donny
 I recieved an e-mail from Martijn.
He will buy 5 gear sets to sell in Holland if we get the other 5.
 Are you guys still interested? if so we need to contact the MZ enginer and get things rolling. I can set up the Money transfer. We have Leo in Germany ( the Police Officer) and Helmut an KTM dealer and Sachs Vintage rider in Canada to help with that. Helmut was a factory Sachs Six-Day rider and gold medal winner. He is in Germany now riding vintage enduros for the next two months.
 Please let me know as soon as you can so we can get the process in motion.
John D.



swamp fox

Hi John,
I'll still go in for one set to help the rest out. Are we still in the $200-300 range?

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)

john durrill

It should be the same price quoted plus shipping. I think the way I read Leo's response is that we put up part of the money and they start production, then give them the rest when the gears are finished. The MZ engineer has already done gear sets for Martijn for the 50 cc bikes they roadrace in the Netherlands. He does know how to design and build good gear sets and has been reliable for Martijn.
We will need to get the monies deposited where I can transfer them to whatever bank we end up dealing with. Leo or Helmut (Speedy as he is called) will help with this.
If they are done by the RR we may be able to get Leo or one of the other two riders out of Germany to bring them over and we could pick them up then. That would help with shipping charges. We just need to stay flexible and on top of it.
John D.


swamp fox

OK John,
I guess you'd handle the transfer, so just let me know when to send you a money order or cashiers check and for how much. I probably wouldn't put them in the motor that Doug rebuilt for me, since it was the original, but I did pick up another that I could experiment on.

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)

rob w

John, Sorry about this, but I have either sold (last week) or am selling (VMD) all of my Sachs engine bikes, the only one that I'm keeping is in my "70", and that is going to be a putt-putt bike. I hope someone else will step up and take my place so your quota can be filled.

Edited by - rob w on 07/15/2003  07:34:53 AM


John, Bob,

Please put me down for one set of gears.  After my first AHRMA race, more power (without decreasing reliability) is just what the doctor ordered!



john durrill

Ok Guys!
Thanks Robert, Glen ,Richard
 My son will take the 5th set if no one else wants them.
 We will contact  Leo  today and see what we can get going.
 John D.


Gavin Housh

John, I'd take the set that Bob/Rob W isn't going to take now. I can be reached by email or phone (510)481-0554. Let me know when you need $. Ask these guys what they are doing for selector keys? I got two of the remanufacured ones from Alen. To make a long story short I found myself needing to split my cases after maybe only two race weekends and an hours worth of breakin. I had a new selector rod, key and mainshaft instaled. Upon inspection the new key is not holding up to the task it was intended. I emailed Doug wilford and he said he had one of the new keys break right off. It seems some one didn't do the metallurgy. The stock parts in an engine are made to specific metallurgical formula with one of many different types of heat treatment to achieve the desired strenght and hardness. If this isn't done right you end up with failure! I'm hoping Mr. MZ knows the right fomula. In the past I tried to get information about the sraight cut gears on this web site. I have an advertisement in dirt bike magazine Oct. 73 page 102. Grand Prix Cycles of Santa Clara California  distirbuted the gears and the add says the gears were made by CMS products of Mountain View California. I hanvn't been able to get any additional information about the type of steel used and the heat treatment process used. The add did say the gears "are machined out of solid steel by CMS and then heat treated for exceptional strenght". Mark AAnnan has a set of these gears. Wouldn't it be advisable to send these gears out to a metallurgist and have them tested for composition and hardness so we know we are at least getting something comparable in quality. I'm sorry if I seem like an alarmist but $300 is a lot of cash for an untested part.  I am in for one set. Keep us updated. Gavin Housh