10:45 PM EDT tonight..............................

Started by rob w, December 22, 2003, 06:38:42 PM

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rob w

I'm in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I rode two races in IL. this year. Casey MX, and Byron MX.


No, I'm British, in SA since '71. It was my first trip to the States.
I'm a Civil Engineer.


G Ellis

Rob, I restored my GS6 175 77 this fall. I am going to race this season. after quiting for over 20 years.

rob w

David, I've had good luck all year with my clutch, I started out with a new activator, plates, and cable. and changing the oil after every 3 or 4 rides.


Rob, and while I'm asking questions on the 400, what final gearing are you using?


rob w

This could be a record, 34 posts in about an hour. Not bad.

David, I'll get back to you on my gearing tomorrow, off the top of my head, I can't remember.

G Ellis, are you in the northern section of IL., Chicago is about 2 1/2 hrs from here. Do you have any good riding areas where you're at?


OK, this one had stood for a while, oil had some water in it and a little bit of corrosion had taken place inside the magnesium cases. I dumped the original oil and the stuff that's in now I'll trash after the next ride. Just to flush out the muck. My clutch was slipping so I roughened the plates with #80 grit paper and re-assembled with the bottom pressure plate reversed (on the fresh side). I stole a 1/2 turn on the spring tension to pull it up a bit.



I really need a new set of plates and springs.

we're trying to get a Classic off-road movement going down here. it's been slow. Once the bikes get "old" over here no one wants them and they get relegated to farm hacks and weekend playbikes, and we all know what happens then.....


rob w

David, Were there ever KTM dealers in the 70's in S.A.?
Are there any other Pentons/KTMs down there?

G Ellis, I found a 75 Penton 175 basket case this week, all complete, think I'm gonna get it. I love the blue best.

rob w

The guys in Australia are dying for parts too.

rob w

David, What's the climate like there, it was unseasonally warm here today, about 44 degrees, it felt like summer again.


there's been a KTM presence here since the early-mid '70s. It's believed that a few Pentons may have made it here initially as part of the same dealer agreement. I've never actually seen one here. My 400 is original except for the fenders and headlight (Preston Petty) and the paint on the frame. I was soo lucky to get one that had been spared the ravages of the casual rider or farmer (no relation lol)


rob w

If you're getting tired or need to go, I can understand, it's now past mid-night here, all this excitment has giving me a head-ache.


Remember we're in summer here. 90deg F yesterday. 300 + days sunshine a year. Coldest in Johannesburg, 25degF, hottest 95 deg. Rains in summer.



OK guys
Sleep well. Nice "chatting" to you
