Lets get real?

Started by Mike Lenz, March 21, 2004, 12:18:43 PM

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Mike Lenz

If anyone wants to offer their Evil Bay names and their real names here it would help all of us not to bid against each other as much. Some even seem to have a third POG name! I cant keep up!! Other suggestions we could all live by? If you really really need the item bid away, it shouldnt bother anyone, it doesnt bother me. If you get it it says to me you needed it more than I did. The other is if you come here and offer to replacate the item, I for one will back off. Just make sure you intend to follow thru with your statment. What do you think?


Have not posted in a while. Wanted to reply to this one...
On E-bay user is Renessarenee. this is because my wife was using it long before she discovered the vintage mx parts for me. My name is James Sharp-so my user name here is James. I try to use this -though on Yahoo Maico board I am Maicojames(already was another James there).
 If I am bidding on any KTM/Penton part that someone here needs-e-mail me I will let it go. I am still working on AW Maico (blasphemous to some I know) so these are the parts I really need.

 I have paid a much higher than reasonable amount before to win an item I really needed...I guess I understand where you are coming from.

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.

Kip Kern

Kip Kern, Retiredmajor2002, I kinda gave up on EVILBAY as things are getting out of hand on some items.


gsyamaha94 is my evil code name.  

If I see a Pogger's id that I recognize, I'll back off (unless it's a red MX tank).  Like Bob said, then we need to talk.

I think in some respects we are our own worst enemies and bid stuff into the stratosphere because we don't know who we're bidding against.  If we work together, we can keep prices down and still get what we really need.


Dwight Rudder

On our VINDURO.com forum site, we try and keep a Ebay ID list so we will try not to bid against each other. If a member has already marked his spot with a bid then any Vinduro members email him and see how bad he wants it and if he didn't mind stepping aside. If he does he posts that he gave permission for the brother to overbid him.  If not then we try and respect his bidding and not to run up the price. Accidental bidding does happen but we try and not to .  The POG group should do the same.


Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.



I think that's a fair and gentlemanly way to work together.

Is that something we can agree on to do here?



Well see, someone just put the pieces of a "D" engine on eBay.  It is very hard to keep from hurting peoples feelings.  I have several people that I do contact when I see them bid.  Several have already responded to this subject.  I feel we do a fair job already, but it is obviously a problem to some.  I am responding only to hopefully be positive in respect to POG members.
  The other side of the coin I have people who contact me for parts quite often and I sometime feel I offend them when I quote them a price???  I expain that I'm not listed as a supplier therefore I am not in the business.  I have in fact probably sent no less that 4 to 5 parts to members in the last three weeks to help on various projects.
  Just my thoughts.  My eBay ID is carbaugh0 so I will get ready for the Tar and Feathers:).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mike Lenz

Ron, as I stated if you really need it...bid it, I do. If its something I would like to have for a spare and I see its another POG member, I usually will let it go, IF the Pogger is high bidder. Now Im also going to POG before I go to Ebay, that way even if I need the item badly and its mentioned here, such as the Pogger is willing to replacate the item I will still let go, again IF the Pogger is the current high bidder. If we do it that way it stays pretty simple, without alot of calling, ect needed??


G'day lads, I reckon this is a bloody good idea and might help tame the EvilBay experience - especially when the red bidding haze comes over one's eyes!  I'm still getting to know who's who in the Penton (*cough* KTM) community and, thanks to people like Don, have come to see how helpful & friendly you blokes are.  

I usually take a look at the feedback on who I'm bidding against to see what they've been buying in the past.  If there are Penton/KTM bits in there I'll feel better about letting them win the bid 'cos it means they're afflicted by the same disease.

(But I still hate the last second snipers who pip my bid by $2.50 while I'm snug in my bed at 3am Aussie time :( [}:)] :D)

Anyway, you blokes know who vmx1963 is so don't hesitate to contact me if you want to bid for something I've got dibs on.  In turn I'll post a message in the Wanted/For Sale area letting you know if I'm bidding on something I'm really desperate for.

Western Australia


:D I concur with the idea.  My Ebay experience is like everyone else who is trying to get specific parts to complete a restoration.  It would be nice to know who has the most urgent need so we don't continue to push the bids.  I have '73 and '74 Jackpiner, which I am trying to bring back to life, so Ebay and Al B. are my only real sources for parts. (PS...I'm also active duty military overseas, so the internet is the only recourse.)

1974 KTM 175 Jackpiner(restoring to good health...slowly)
John Cappel

Dwight Rudder

My Ebay ID is :
That comes from me starting out on Ebay bidding on WWI aviation items , Especially Royal Flying Corps. I not only like Vintage bikes but Vintage aeroplanes too.
Lt. Dwight Rudder, RFC
Nieuport 16b pilot
Great War Aeroplanes Asso.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.


Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

I not only like Vintage bikes but Vintage aeroplanes too.
Lt. Dwight Rudder, RFC
Nieuport 16b pilot

Now we're talkin!  Lucky for Dwight I could never afford the Spad I always wanted - had to settle for flying helos and rounding up cattle as the next best thing (back in my younger days).

Western Australia


My alias on Evil Bay is:  Penton100
Rod Gorzny (Rocket)


Mike, sorry for any misundertanding.  I try at this time to be respectful to someone who is restoring a Penton.  I guess my real problem with this entire subject is we as a group are forgetting that there are a other people that look at the Penton site on ebay.
  To be blunt I have constantly been outbid by people from Italy.  I don't loose any sleep over this situation, instead it makes me look that much  harder for parts and bikes before they get to eBay.
  One last thing is I pay people what they ask for parts off ebay if I need them for a project.  I have bought items that others were only offering 25% of what I had to pay.  I have bought three bikes to get parts off of one bike and so on.  My point is that we are in a free market and demand determines the price period.  The only exception that I know of was when Karl got his Red Tank[8D].
  In closing (on the positive side-please), in visiting with a Penton person the other day this person thought I had purchased  100's of parts off ebay.  In fact I have only bought 38 items total(check this fact out)on ebay.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Phil Ketchum = pketchum on eBay and on POG.

I'm relatively new to the Penton Owners Group. After first seeing Teddy Landers Penton's survive through the toughest conditions without complaint, or tinkering, I've become a fan.  He's let me ride them in competition more than once when mechanical failures beset my beloved Hodaka's. (THANKS again Teddy)

I now own a '80 KTM 250 GS which I'm accumulating parts to restore, and working with Tom Brosius to have the MX side panels reproduced, thanks to my friend Larry Perkins (The Penton Man) and to Buddy Johnson (maicobuddy).  Hopefully she will be ready for the ISDT Reunion Ride at the Zink Ranch this year.

Although I haven't seen much in the way of parts to fit my "Penton in disguise", I almost always Snipe.  I feel that this tactic prevents me from getting into a bidding war with another eBayer and letting my emotions override my bank account.  I determine my maximum I'm willing to pay beforehand and "set it and forget it".  If I win, I win.  If I lose, I lose.  Only once has this method accidently bested a friend who was interested in the same part.  This only caused him to pay about $2.50 more than was necessary.  Communication is the key.

However, if I recognize the high bidder's ID, I almost ALWAYS defer out of decency and respect.  The other times I will email them to determine their need and discuss mine with them, always coming to an agreement.

Dwight's the one that I run into the most frequently since he's a Hodaka nut like myself.  We're friends and share a common passion and respect for each other.  On the Hodaka group on Yahoo, which I moderate, I attempted to convince the members that creating a database of eBay ID's would be in our best interest.  However, the few who were against it caused enough dissention that I shelved the idea.  


Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group