Rarest KTM

Started by ktmlifer, October 07, 2004, 12:42:33 AM

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Larry Perkins

ONCE AGAIN as has been requested by MANY members MANY times.  If you are listing a bike for sale as this 97 1/2 or 1980 model PLEASE list where you are and HOW MUCH you want for the bike.  Many thanks!

Larry P


JDS - Thanks for your support. I'm glad someone else understood what I was trying to say. David Duval

"It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it" A.A. Hodge

Larry Perkins


On the subject of rare. I'm Considering selling my 82 Husqvarna 420 auto, only 96 miles, all original, like new condition. Anyone interested? Dave Duval


On the subject of rare. I'm Considering selling my 82 Husqvarna 420 auto, only 96 miles, all original, like new condition. Anyone interested? Dave Duval

Larry Perkins


You apparently can't follow directions or the wishes of others very well.  So to give you the benefit of the doubt I will post this special for you.  

It has been requested MANY TIMES by MANY people in the past that if SOMEONE has a bike FOR SALE they post it in the FOR SALE section and that they tell HOW MUCH they want for it and WHERE it is located.

Please adhere to this and don't stir the pot.  Sometimes they boil over when you stir them.  Thank you!

Larry P



Larry Perkins


You obviously want to keep trouble going so I will oblige you for a moment then I will attempt to politely make you understand what MANY members have tried to say nicely to you and others that can't seem to catch on.  My ZZZZ comment was about something that pretty much was a pointless ranting on your part.  Your ZZZZ was to a request that has been made MANY times by MULTIPLE members.  It would be appreciated by ALL if you would adhere to these requests and show enough brain power to know the difference between GENERAL DISCUSSION which is for pointless rantings and actual topics and FOR SALE which is for things people have that are For Sale.  Is that clear enough for you to understand before you go back to sleep?  Many thanks in advance for following the rules.  Hopefully the intended point will be taken and this can end here.  I have been as polite as I can.

Larry P

Larry Perkins


I will try to be the bigger guy first and appologize for my ZZZZ comment.

Larry P


I don't know what your problem is but I thought that this was an open forum - open to all.

I also, don't know what gives you the right to harrass other members when they give their opinion by your yelling [use of caps], sarcasm [zzz], name calling [swami] or even worse yet by your threats [boiling pot].

It seems to me that your just playing for the crowd and I don't want your personal attack against me to turn off any new members by your abusive behaviour.

Therefore, out of respect for the POG and it's members I am not going to respond to you on this forum any longer and if you have anything further to say to me it can be sent to [email protected] my personal e-mail address.

Dave Duval

Larry Perkins


This is an open forum.  It was just being pointed out to you that you were doing it in a way that was not following guidelines and I believe you were doing it to garner a response so I gave you one.  I appologized and can do no more.  You obviously do not see the error of your ways whereas I have seen mine and tried to hold out an olive branch.  I will send you no personal e-mails and do not expect to see the olive branch again just try to honor the requests of other members.  By the way I yelled because it appeared you did not hear well.  I also don't make threats I was mearly pointing out the fact that if you poke at something enough you might get bit.  Fact not threat.

Larry P


And then the bell rang and both boys had to stay in for recess.

Downeast Pentons- Central Division

Tony Price

I would offer that by posting a bike for sale in the general forum, with no price, and no location, and ususally within an established thread only lessens the sellers chance of successfully selling his machine.

This forum is a place I come for sharing comman interest, keeping up with freinds who are distant in location, and meeting new folks who share our common interest.  Then of course there is the added benefit of the decades upon decades of collective technical wisdom and experience to draw from when needed.

Someone said they heard the recess bell ring, gotta go play!



Howdy all, I have 2 classic KTM's The first one is a 1974 250 red tank with the straps I'm not sure what model it is it does have head and tale lights , The 2nd one is a 1976 125 mc5 with the kTM  motor that has 125 ktm on the head both bikes are complete but have been in a garage for 22 years.. I also got half a truck load of parts with these bikes including Penton fuel tanks 1 metal 1 plastic ...  What did I buy ????????


If $ is no problem, how about one of each model, from each year? And add any one offs that you were able to aquire? And guys, we all joined this group because we love the bikes, nuff said.[^]