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Messages - Tim Grow

Gentlemen and Ladies....the rider capturing the Vintage, First Place Trophy is "Scott Price".  Scott, if you're out-there, apologies. Again though, congratulations sir! Well done! Thank you!  Tim
Gentlemen and Ladies, morning- First a quick congratulations to Todd Price, a furiously-fast and capable rider for taking a first place position in Treaty City Peace Pipe Enduro. Todd was riding a superbly maintained, silver-framed, 390CR Husqvarna. Mr. Price is a very fast rider and mixing-it-up, successfully, with the modern riders. With activities in assisting with the Treaty Club yesterday, I was unable to speak with him, yesterday. Polly, did and enjoyed the conversation and his commitment to the sport and the race.  I hope to gain contact with him through this forum and/or any direction you all may have. More on the race via a later post.
Congratulations, sir!
Mick, this event is in it's 74th, year. Apologies as it's always ran two-weeks prior to Thanksgiving. Look for 82 total ridden miles. Yes, we have a bit of road and a lot of fields to cross; the woods are just great. Appreciate your considering next year, sir.
David, will be on an 81" WR430, sir. Rode the XR, yesterday and it's fun to hunt-and-run-from the Orange, in the woods.
Jeff, I think the Treat Club is in it's 79th year;
Penton Racing Talk / Moto Tally Points
November 05, 2012, 09:27:05 PM
On a side note, the results for the ISDTRR and also the Yearly Totals that are posted on the AHRMA site have the "Weekend Only" riders included.  We are in the process of verifying the "Weekend Only" riders.  Once we have verification, we will back those riders out and repost the results.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

We also wanted to give a big "Thank You" to Dave McCullough and the Tulsa Trail Riders for putting on a 1st Class ISDT Reunion Ride.  We had such a great time! The trails were fast and fun and you couldn't find a better group of people to spend the weekend with.  It seemed that everybody that were there were so happy to be there and so happy that some body/some club/some organization took the time and effort to put on this wonderful event for the enjoyment of all who participated.  

Thank you for a perfect end to the 2012 AHRMA Cross Country Season,
Tim & Polly Grow
Gentlemen and Ladies-
The Treaty City Motorcycle Club presented a truly great event. Indeed, the weather was tremendously cooperative up-to and during the event. However, the Club's efforts to make this enduro a competive yet finishable event, by the measure of Vintage/AHRMA and modern bike riders was accomplished. The race was attended by two luminaries including Ted Atkinson, on a 74' Honda CR250. Mr. Atkinson was/is a 6-time "overall" Treaty City Peace Pipe champion over the previous 3 decades.  Ted started on the 16th minute, completed the event, and I understand was greated at every check, spectator point, road-crossing, and gas stop with cheers of accomplishment. I apologize for not knowing his finish; that I will share hopefully, tomorrow. As noted prior, Terry Cunningham rode and the 4-time National Enduro Champion continues to be lightning-fast. Terry did involve himself in minor get-off in the woods near the half-way point that diminished his pace a few minutes. He also suffered a bout with a bit of buried-fence which he collected in his rear-wheel; unfortunate but undeterred, he finished. A real AHRMA standout was Jared Scott, Ohio residentand Hodaka-specialist, pretty much had the all the spectators in a lather. I was lucky enough to have Jared on my minute and witnessed him successfully piloting his Combat Wombat through the woods, ditches, creek bottoms, and fields. The spectator response to his skill and CW's competence is something that can only be witnessed; Jared, well done! The cast of the AHRMA faithful included (but please allow me to defer spelling at this moment): Craig Hayes-Husky, Mike MacEarhn-Husky, David Lamberth-Kawasaki; Terry Cunningham-Husky, Tim P-Husky, Bobby Jo Stultz-Kawasaki, Gary Copeland-KTM, Jared Scott-Hodaka!, Dave Parker-Husky, Ted Atkinson-CR250 Husky, Tim Grow-Husky.
The course length was right at 86-miles. It was as-rideable as it was difficult given some of the longer woods-sections and of course, a little "check manipulation" to keep a rider guessing....or paying very close attention to their ICO.
I can't impress enough upon the Club's successful effort to make this a well-balanced, competitive race. Its great that it happend to include a pretty large piece of the Vintage-faithful, too. Also, those who rode, thank you. I understand the expense, time, varied sacrifices to family & life isn't easy.....but sure glad you rode, gentlemen. Best of week!  Tim
BoJo, you're correct on Mr. Cunningham attending.  I understand he's on a Keytime/Craig Hayes machine. The weather still appears to be very favorable for Sunday, still. There appears to be as many as 10 riders confirmed attending and several others with intent to do so. If I can assist please feel free to email or call via 937-623-0702. This will surely be favorable day for the vintage brethren.  Thanks, all.  Tim
Gentlemen, the weather for the coming week continues to be favorable.  The outlook indicates continued dry weather through Thursday.  There is a chance of showers, 30% on Friday and Friday-night.  Saturday is to bring us a dry-day & evening.  Sunday's forcast continues with "no precipation" and a high of 50 degrees. All good, for now.  Indeed, things may change however, we may have a repeat beautiful day for an enduro, same as last year's event.  Best of weekend.  Tim
The Treaty members afforded me the opportunity to pre-ride, and arrow, this past Sunday given my participation would be in the "Sportsman" class. With that, conditions were superb and lay of the course netted a great ride. You're looking at 82 miles total traveled. A course that is very-much focused, as noted above, on affording the rider the ability to "finish". OK, there is no "Swamp"; that section was evacuated some 3-4 years prior. The "pigpen", although present at last-year's event (at the beginning), will not be used this year.  Please note a possible error in possibly considering a 4"-vintage-bike; forgetting about the number of logs and the factors associated with crossing a log after 100-modern-bikes have done so, previously; a PV-bike would seemingly be an easier/better call (by my measure). Yes, a lot of chiseled corn fields. Indeed, you'll spend probably 15 miles on paved county roads. It's tight by some rider's standards; so trim your bars and for cripes sakes (Craig), put on some decent hand guards as the sappling-factor is "up-there". Most of the ditches are are all but dry and creeks are way-low. Guys, this will be a really fun enduro. Leading up to it so far, the conditions are great, too.  If any questions let me know via [email protected], too.  Be safe, Tim
Paul, thank you for the inquiry, please allow me to respond in the order of your questions, sir.
-The bikes are to display a headlight, tail-light, and license plate. Pointedly though, there are and have been no issues with needing them to be "working".  Also, there is no-tech-inspection.  At the riders meeting, however, it is explained that the above-3 items are understood to be "on the bike". Now, if a rider would be so disingenuous to show up with number plates...they won't let you leave.
-The bikes need a working silencer.  The emphasis is on "working".  In 18 years of both riding and assisting the club there has never been a condition where this has been challenged by a rider. But with that, it is something the Club wouldn't tolerate leaving the line in violation.
-The Treaty Club is looking to increase the Vintage participation. Yes, the current Club officers and members do understand there is a "vintage following" and really have extended themselves in addressing it on our behalf. I apologize for not doing a better job of keeping POG members informed.
-The trails are indeed conducive to vintage and post-vintage machines.  Arguably, and really there is no argument, if there is a bit of rain in the preceding 48-hours a PV-bike would be best.  As with about any trail, it "ruts-up" and a 4"-bike is at a disadvantage with all the long travel-bikes creating "that" negative condition.  However, last year's event would have been 100%-rideable on a vintage bike.  Yes, I rode a PV (82'WR430) bike.  This year it might be on a 74'(Husky) as it's been unseasonally dry and....we all need the oft challenge...
-The Treaty Club has afforded a bit of leniency as to when we chose to leave the line.  Last year, as it was the Club's and our-group's first blush with vintage-type bkes, we chose to leave towards the end of the other competing-riders.  No, we didn't have any "Sportsman Class" riders in front of us...and that was, and will be afforded to anyone participating, this year, too. It also helps as Polly and I assist with sign-up and we had/have the support of the Club members.
In southwest Ohio we have flat-ground with ditches and the occasional creek. For those POG members who had ridden this event in the 70's and 80's you'll find it very-very different as the Treaty Club has a had a real-working-focus on having an enduro race/event that can be completed. That wasn't the condition in the past; it's changed. My two fellow teammates can/will attenst to it as needed.  In the previous 2-years the attrition percentages were just shy of 18%; this also included the Sportman Class which included those not necessarily intent on finishing or focused/aware of what indeed...they've signed up for; and that's fine, too.
So with that, and Jerry Greskaukus's inability to attend on behalf of POG'ers (grandson's baptism), who's going to fill his boots?  I do not have a PV-Penton to ride otherwise...the Penton-KTM-flag would indeed be flown; sponsorship is fine, too.  Also, those willing to drive in on Saturday can camp at the Club-grounds or, like Dave Lamberth, stay at Polly & I's home.  We welcome your considering and yes, bigger-things can come with this in the future.  Best of day, Tim
Penton Racing Talk / Westpoint ISDT Riders THANKS!!
September 27, 2010, 09:31:23 PM
Bojo and all the North Alabama Trail Riders-
Thanks ever so much for the time and extra effort that you, your family and all the NATR riders put forth.  Sir, it was obvious as the level of finish on the trails, arrowing, and attention to all the details were just great.  You and your associates also did a great job with the length of the tests and balance of trail difficulty.
We truly hope there is an opportunity to be invited back!
Well done!
And, guaranteed, I'll work on being a better "Wing Man"....thanks, sir.
Penton Talk / Inter-Am at New Philadelphia, Ohio
January 06, 2010, 09:01:03 AM
Paul and fellow readers, a bit of an update prior to the impending requiem.
The Mathias Rd. track, after inquiring with my client, will be "no more" sometime after the spring of 2010.  First, my client's partner, a member of the Kimble family in the Dover/New Philadelphia area purchased the entire property about a decade ago.  This spring the track will see dozer, excavator, and pan come to it and extract the remaining coal in the hill and also gravel; the Kimble's are in the aggregate-business as well as other commercial activities in the Dover/New Philly area.  My client, friend, and Suzuki-rider (don't take great offense) will indeed afford and arrange for a visit and a ride at the track on a Saturday or Sunday prior to the excavation.  One more big-thing, also, please!
My client, John Fondriest, also indicated shortly after the property was purchased he & his partner were looking for a storage building for some smaller machinery and ventured into the old Mathias clubhouse. John found the inside walls and building otherwise "stripped-clean" of a structure that he hadn't been in since 1976-76'. One plaque remained on the wall, high up near a ceiling-peek. John recalled it was sent to Hugo Mathias after a decidedly successful, or possibly unsuccessful group of Yamaha riders competed at the track in 1975. Yes, John sent a photo of the plaque but allow me to identify the names of riders which congratulates Mr. Mathias and signs-off with "Thank you, Those Damn Yamaha Riders, 1975"
Names: Steve Nash, George Sogan, Rob Herrington, Jim Roberts, Don Scott, Tony Skulas, Norman Dahlem, Ken Wells, and Al Norris.
John's two brothers (Mike and Jim) likely road at the track the day the day the Yamaha Riders competed.  He was maybe 12/13 years old but the two brothers his-senior by 3 & 5 years that may likely remember the day's results.  I sense the Yamaha-Team, with freshy minted YZ's, cleaned up.  If anyone can comment, John and his brothers would be interested.
Again, John will assemble a day in April and he will gladly allow for either a walk around or preferably, a ride.  I sense that's befitting.  I'll be booting-up.  Thanks, guys.  Tim
Penton Talk / Inter-Am at New Philadelphia, Ohio
January 04, 2010, 10:19:36 AM
At minimum 10-times annually I pass this landmark on Mathias-Raceway Road as the result of servicing a client that is about 6-tenths of a mile east,up the hill.  This next month I'll shoot a photo of which will likely contain what I have been told are two of the original structures including what used to be the "cycle-shop".  Some 8-10 years prior the facility opened for as many as 5 motocross races having had the track converted to modern-bikes; the track's use discontinued shortly after that one year.
I understand from my client who also is a super-rider and great friend, that as many as 50-plus cars would pull-off of I-77 on most race days on the east side by the overpass, park their vehicles, and otherwise walk-up and "watch from the fence" in a effort to avoid paying the entrance fee.  He also recalled as a young 17 year old that at the Inter-Am race that he attended there were as many as 100 or more parked vehicles with owners "watching from the fence" as the promoter phoned-in to sheriff to have the vehicles towed.  With that, the view would be quite-good as one would otherwise be looking down into a bowl or sorts chiseled out of the hillside. My friend also commented about a non-pro, local Ohio rider that won the first race at the Inter-Am and was not allowed to ride the second-race as he didn't possess the "international license" to compete.  He felt this was in the lates 60's.  And yes, he recalled he rode and won that first-race on a Penton, of course.  Scandalous!
Penton Talk / chicago jerry for ahrma trustee
December 06, 2009, 11:50:51 AM
Indeed, I'm on-board, sir.
Hope that luck isn't a factor as your effort, time, and expertise at so many of the events have demonstrated the commitment.
Bojo & Fellow NATRA Associates:
A belated and very well-deserved thank you to you and all the ladies and gentlemen that made attending your event such the pleasure.  Indeed, there is firm foundation with the term "Southern Hospitality" by the measure of successful number competing & completing the event and the number of riders ever so happy to have attended.  Gentlemen, the trails, arrowing, degree of difficulty all had great balance.  That is no small feat; well done.  The barbecue was a great-great touch; loved the sauce,too, sir.  Polly & I both thank you all a ton.
Mr. Monz-
Appreciate your notification on parts, sir.  As noted in the previous exchange today assistance is needed with a good working shifter-shaft assembly for a 75' Mint 400 engine.  Sir, I'll check-in via email.
Thank you.  Tim

Quotequote:Originally posted by VICTOR MONZ

I too have about 3 or so 250 KTM (73/74/75 +-) motors, dissasembled, cases, jugs, heads, guts, pipes, frames, etc. and want to unload as a package....if interested e-mail me at [email protected] and I can get a picture of all together.

Price will be as fair as possible, shipping gets us sometimes, just want to clear out.

