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Messages - johnm01880

Penton Talk / 1973 ISDT DVD and ISDTR Program
October 07, 2003, 09:42:29 PM
Hi Paul,

It was a pleasure meeting you and all the other POG folks. I just watched the DVD and was pleasantly surprised to find that the duplicator had included the Isle of Man ISDT on it, also. Do you think folks will be upset at receiving this bonus video?

John Leone

Penton Talk / ISDT trivia
September 29, 2003, 08:25:15 AM
O.K., so you don't know the answer. Here it is.

The Crane Company in Dalton, Massachusetts, is the only place in the world that produces the paper stock for all U.S. currency. Al Eames worked for Crane -- requested a leave of absence to work on ISDT 73 -- was refused -- he quit -- much later was rehired by Crane. (I believe that's a reasonable recounting of the story. See the ISDTRR program book for more Al Eames info, including details about this.)

John Leone

Slightly off-topic, but good trivia and very relevant re: 73 ISDT and upcoming reunion ride:

Question 12: In Dalton, Massachusetts, there's a product produced for the US government. It's the only place in the world that makes this product. Name the product and the company that makes it. Hint: it's also connected to Al Eames.

John Leone


Penton Talk / ISDT trivia
September 26, 2003, 09:40:19 AM
Slightly off-topic, but good trivia and very relevant re: 73 ISDT and upcoming reunion ride:

Question 12: In Dalton, Massachusetts, there's a product produced for the US government. It's the only place in the world that makes this product. Name the product and the company that makes it. Hint: it's also connected to Al Eames.

John Leone

Penton Talk / ISDT trivia
September 26, 2003, 09:40:19 AM
Slightly off-topic, but good trivia and very relevant re: 73 ISDT and upcoming reunion ride:

Question 12: In Dalton, Massachusetts, there's a product produced for the US government. It's the only place in the world that makes this product. Name the product and the company that makes it. Hint: it's also connected to Al Eames.

John Leone

Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 25, 2003, 03:04:22 PM
Mea culpa!

In my original post, I noted that the VHS and DVD copies of the ISDTRR documentary would both be priced at $19.95 (plus $5 postage and handling). I've just found out that the DVD is actually $24.95 (plus $5 postage and handling.) VHS is still only $19.95.

I apologize for any confusion.

John Leone

We are discussing the feasability of having a professional videographer produce a video of ISDTRR 03. I've seen samples of his
work and can attest to near-broadcast quality production. Two videographers will capture footage of the following, and post edit a final piece to include:

- Festivities
- Interviews with riders and spectators
- Ride footage
- Motorcycles
- Crowd shots
- Banquet footage
- Jim Hoellerich's Vintage Trailbike Museum
- Other suitable digital video footage as may be provided by
participants and spectators.

You get the picture!

We anticipate a final cost of $19.95 (plus shipping) for either VHS tapes or DVDs. The Pathfinders are not making any money from this proposed activity. We're discussing the situation at our bi-weekly planning meetings and would like to make a go/no go decision very soon. Your feedback and support are important. To help us (and the
video crew) decide if this will be worthwhile, please let me know if you might be interested in purchasing one or more VHS tapes or DVDs.

We think this could be a significant documentary of  the legends of the sport who will be there -- all the POG and other
vintage enduro MC riders and fans who will be there -- and of the machines they rode. We may never see such a gathering again.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

John Leone


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 20, 2003, 10:46:54 PM
If you do take some digital footage and would like to send us a copy, we'll see if we can use any of it in the production. Can't have too much footage to edit!

John Leone

I will buy  video.I also have a pro digital video camera and can do some filming but it may be hard to do while ridding my Monark 125.


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 20, 2003, 07:19:28 PM
Hi Mike,

Thanks. Yes, I'm trying to get some idea about how many folks want the video. So far, about 50 people have responded -- but I think we'll easily end up with double or triple that number of requests and eventual sales.

John Leone

  I figured I would just purchase a copy when they came out but, if you need some ideas of numbers now then, please put me down for one!

  Mike Husted (rd400pi)


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Program Book
August 10, 2003, 03:13:13 PM
Hi Doug,

I'll check with Bob re: bulk order for books. I don't recall hearing anything about that yet.


John;  I think Al Buehner has been in touch with Bob about our ad and the amount of bulk programs that POG will be requesting.   Good timing (or selling) :)


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 10, 2003, 03:11:03 PM

Send an e-mail to me off-list at [email protected]. I'll return a message and provide you my contact information. If you send me the film, I can capture it on digital video. It'd be great to include a section of home movies in the documentary. Anyone else out there have films?

By the way, I'd love to get my hands on the old 16mm Berkshire Trials film that was done years ago. NETRA used to have a copy -- long gone. If I can get it, I'd love to copy that over to digital video, also. Now wouldn't you just love to have a DVD of that film!

John Leone

I took footage at the Bershire on one of those Bell & Howell 8mm (I think).  Don't know what it would take to transfer that to VHS or DVD.


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 10, 2003, 03:06:28 PM

Thanks to you and POG for your kind offer. We think we can bootstrap the financing but if we get stuck, it's great to know that we might have some options.



John, As you can see from the responce the making of a video, will make it worth doing.   Sticking my neck out just a little, but if your group needs any moneys up front the Penton Owners Group would be glad to help.


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 10, 2003, 09:57:49 AM
Hi Lynn,

There will be sound and narration. Depending on a number of production issue factors, we may be able to do some sub-titling.

John Leone

I would purchase.  I know that it may add to the cost, but I would hope that you will provide some voiceover/subtitles to try and clue the viewer into who is who including a little of their background, where appropriate.  
     Also a list of the rider number, rider names and motorcycle name/year in the credits would help us figure out who is who under the helmets.  Thanks!


Penton Talk / New England Vintage Enduro Activities
March 15, 2003, 09:30:27 PM
URL correction:  (without the period at the end of the URL)

John Leone

Hi John,I think you're the guy I talked to at Winchendon last fall,I was on the 400 Penton.I can't get that link to work,but I'm interested in any rides/events.My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks, Joel.


Penton Talk / ISDTRR Weather and Foliage Report
September 25, 2003, 11:08:02 AM
I just checked on the extended weather forecast and the foliage
report. See below for weather projections, foliage predictions, and current foliage conditions for Berkshires and Pioneer Valley. As it looks now, it should be a spectacular weather weekend.

If you want to see more than 70 ISDT veterans -- including  the Penton family, the 73 Silver Vase team, the 73 OSSA team, a bunch of ISDT wannabes -- please come out to visit on Saturday or Sunday, October 4/5. Loction: Jim Hoellerich's Ayr Hills Farm, 192 Henry Wood Road, Cheshire, MA (check out for easy directions).

Besides all the neat folks and vintage motorcycles, there'll be lots of other fun including Jim's Vintage Trailbike Museum, vendors, great food, souvenirs, ISDT 73 DVD for sale at the Penton Owner's Group display, collectors item souvenir programs, order forms for ISDT Reunion Ride documentary video/DVD, and more.

This is a "Don't miss it" event.

John Leone
For Saturday, October 4, 2003: high of 63F, low of 41F; partly
cloudy, 10% chance of showers

Fall foliage colors will be spectacular, according to the Department
of Environmental Management. Brilliant colors are expected
throughout Massachusetts and in particular in Berkshire and lower
Worcester County where there is a high concentration of sugar
maples. Due to the moist summer conditions, warm days and cool
nights, peak color is expected to turn in early October, a bit sooner
than usual.

Reports of Sugar Maples sporting some reds, oranges and yellows have
come in from the Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, and Central Mass.

The Pioneer Valley is showing about 3% color - much higher in the
small river valleys and swampy areas dominated by red maple. Some
other species showing orange/yellows there as well. Maples along
town roads also showing some color.

Penton Talk / ISDTRR Program Book
August 10, 2003, 10:09:28 AM
O.K., now that I have your attention with the ISDTRR video project, you should know that Bob Hicks and I are also producing a 64-page collectors' item program book. (How's that for a marketing upsell?!)

Color cover and a few color ad inserts -- black and white text pages -- history of the Berkshire trials leading up to ISDT 73, vintage photos, tributes to Leroy Winters and Al Eames, rider names, numbers, machines, ISDT 73 articles and photos, etc. We appreciate POG and PVL's advertising support to help make this happen.

We're planning to print 1,000 copies -- and will give each rider, event volunteer, and other significant participants one copy -- sell more at the ISDTRR event ($5) -- and offer the balance for sale after the event via misc. outlets ($5 + shipping).

A couple of advertisers have requested bulk orders (50 to 75 copies). We expect to be able to sell quantity lots for @ $4 each plus bulk shipping.

We're in the final stages of writing and laying out the program book. We want to start handing off materials to the printer within the next couple of weeks. If POG (or any other special interest group) would like to order bulk lots, please let me know ASAP -- before we run the presses. If we get requests for larger amounts of bulk orders, we might print more than the originally-planned 1,000 copies to accommodate the requests.

If you have any questions, you can reach me directly at [email protected].

John Leone

Penton Talk / ISDTRR Video /DVD
August 09, 2003, 11:15:43 PM
We are discussing the feasability of having a professional videographer produce a video of ISDTRR 03. I've seen samples of his
work and can attest to near-broadcast quality production. Two videographers will capture footage of the following, and post edit a final piece to include:

- Festivities
- Interviews with riders and spectators
- Ride footage
- Motorcycles
- Crowd shots
- Banquet footage
- Jim Hoellerich's Vintage Trailbike Museum
- Other suitable digital video footage as may be provided by
participants and spectators.

You get the picture!

We anticipate a final cost of $19.95 (plus shipping) for either VHS tapes or DVDs. The Pathfinders are not making any money from this proposed activity. We're discussing the situation at our bi-weekly planning meetings and would like to make a go/no go decision very soon. Your feedback and support are important. To help us (and the
video crew) decide if this will be worthwhile, please let me know if you might be interested in purchasing one or more VHS tapes or DVDs.

We think this could be a significant documentary of  the legends of the sport who will be there -- all the POG and other
vintage enduro MC riders and fans who will be there -- and of the machines they rode. We may never see such a gathering again.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

John Leone