Prayers for Thomas Carmichael

Started by firstturn, February 15, 2010, 11:13:04 PM

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Mike Burgess

Our thoughts and Prayers are with you Thomas. Keep positive and keep on track. We're all here for you and the family.


Here is another update.  Thanks again for everyones support.

From Clinta - I'm sitting here in Thomas's hospital room while he sleeps.  I just realized that Thomas's birthday is coming up on Wednesday, March 3.  It would be so terrific if I could bring him lots of  birthday cards from his friends and family on his special day, so if it's something you would like to do, please mail it to 27 Summer Valley Court, Greenville, SC 29651.  I know that it will help make what is probably going to be a not-so-great birthday so much better!  Thanks!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



From Clinta - I'm not sure where my head was when I did the post last night regarding sending Thomas a card for his birthday.  I clearly know my address but for some reason, posted the wrong city.  I still wouldn't have caught the mistake if Thomas's mom, (mine too!) hadn't called to tell me so.  But, if you've already mailed a card, don't worry, we will still get it because they go by the zip code which was correct.  Here is the correct address:  27 Summer Valley Court, Greer, SC 29651, not Greenville.  

Thomas had a rough night, was up on and off throughout the night.  Hannah, our daughter stayed with him and she herself probably only got an hour of rest.  She left when I got here to go to work so I know she will be a tired girl tonight!  Trey is at home doing oil changes for our cars, moving furniture around and just helping his Mom out with home chores.  In case, I haven't told you yet, Thomas and I have been blessed with incredible children.  Hannah and Trey are so kind and compassionate and love their father and Father so much!  They have been an incredible pillar for their Dad and Team Carmichael will battle on!  

To help with some of the challenges that Thomas is going through, he has started taking some anxiety medicine to help with coping.  When you are used to going at a wide-open pace, to be immobilized in a hospital bed is maddening.  As a matter-of-fact, I would equate it to putting a tiger in a cage.  

He had a physical therapy session this morning which has worn him out.  He is sleeping as I write this.  He spoke with his Mom and Dad this morning and he cried when they hung up.  He loves him Mom, Dad and brother very much and believe it or not, but he is constantly saying how sorry he is for putting us through this.  If it wasn't for his weakened condition, I would slap him!!

We are going to keep a low profile this weekend, regroup emotionally and prepare for battle.  As we move forward, I'm going to request very specific prayers from you.  As a prayer warrior, I believe that God wants us to be very specific with our needs as opposed to asking for global requests.  So, I'm going to ask that as you pray for Thomas to please ask God for 2 things;  that Thomas be able to get back the use of his left arm and leg so that he can walk again and be able to feed himself and that he respond appropriately to the radiation.  As I shared with you yesterday, without God's intervention, this type cancer is not one that can be cured or will ever go away completely, so our best hope, (besides God) is that the radiation stop any further growth and that the cancer be kept stagnant.  

It's hard for me to not become emotional as I say this, but, Thomas, Hannah, Trey and I are so blessed to have had the outpouring of love, prayers and concern from each and all of you.  This is so critical to Thomas's recovery plan and I can't stress enough how uplifting and rewarding it is when you post a comment because Thomas will ask me throughout the day, "has anyone posted a comment?" and even if it's only for seconds, he stops thinking about the monster in his brain, and focuses on the encouraging words that you write.  

As always, thank you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

Clinta, Thomas and Family.

In the local paper tonight there is a story titled " Prescription for Survival, Hope and Faith." It is a story that follows a number of folks who are in situations very similar to Thomas and how they coped with, and battled their opponent. A number of weapons against their opponents were mentioned, including a good support system, faith, and a good attitude.

Two pieces of advice that they offered were to ask lots of questions and to get second opinions. Each of these folks have by far exceeded all expectations given by the "experts".

From what you have posted you are already well equipped.

Hope this helps, and please remember that your POG family is right their with you.



Thanks John and I will tell Thomas.  He does want to be able to walk and feed himself.  Thanks for your Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I am sure this is quite a shock but not to the Lord, So we keep praying....

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W

swamp fox

I did get a chance to talk to Thomas and Clinta on Saturday in between my honey-do's. His tone was one of disapointment that this is happening, but also one of "let's get this going and get it over with". Hopefully the move to the Rehab center will be quick, and he can start to get his movement and feeling back.

He graciously thanks all of you for your prayers and support in this difficult time, and says getting through it will be a chore. He also said getting through it will let him help others, and if that's what the Lord's will is, he's ready for the next checkpoint.

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)


I talked with Thomas last night and like Bobby says he is ready for Rehab and wants to get better.  He is tough cookie.....and thanks for everyones Prayers.  Here is the latest.

From Clinta - We have heard already today that as soon as a bed becomes available, Thomas will be moved to Roger C Peace center!  We are very excited about Thomas being able to start therapy to get him on the road to walking again!  

We had an evening visit from Roger Loomis last night and it was wonderful to see him and get caught up.  Roger has had some health issues himself over the last year, but he is doing well and was very hopeful for Thomas.  

Thomas's parents are coming to visit tomorrow to be with him while I'm working in Columbia so I know he will enjoy spending time with him.  We don't know what his availability is going to be at Roger C Peace, we've only heard that it's very regimented and disciplined.  I hope to get the schedule so I can let everyone know when visitation is allowed.  

I will update again once he's moved and give you specific information about his room assignment and the center's location.  I know that it's also on the Greenville Hospital campus, I'm just not sure where to access the entrance.

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thomas has moved so here is an update.  His Birthday is Wednesday.

From Clinta - First off, Thomas is not in Room 3903 but 3917, I guess they decided to switch rooms at the last minute.  They have brought us a wheel chair for him and he's already got his schedule for tomorrow up on the board.  He will start at 9AM and go through 3:00 with a break for lunch.  All kinds of therapy from physical, occupational, speech, neurological, pyschological and I've left 2 more off because I can't remember what they were, I'm thinking I might need some memory therapy!!  He's in a bad mood, fussing at me, which in his defense, I can be really irritating at times, it's a wife/woman thing!  I think this day has been trying to him, he goes between being very optimistic and really down which I understand is totally normal under these circumstances!  Please pray that he will have successful therapy sessions and that they are able to help him with being able to do everyday things like feeding himself, walking, bathing, etc.  We have not heard from an oncologist yet but they don't normally start radiation until 2 weeks after surgery to give the wound time to heal.  We found out over the weekend, that they are approximating that they had to leave about 20% of the tumor because it has already infiltrated into his brain.  But, hopefully with radiation, we stop any further growth.  Thanks to all of you for your faithfulness to stay involved with this website, other than our visitors, hearing the posts is the highlight of his day!  Love and appreciate you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Today Thomas starts his road to recovery!

rom Clinta - Today is going to be a big day for Thomas, mostly exhausting I'm sure, but a day that I'm praying will give him hope and keep him focused on the "plan!"  His room at Roger C Peace is so much larger than the room he had at Greenville Memorial which is very nice and the staff have been incredibly attentive to his needs.  The food has been great but with the high dosage of steroids that he's getting, they could probably serve him cardboard and he wouldn't even need to salt it!  Tomorrow is his birthday so I'm putting together balloons, colorful banners and streamers to decorate his room with while he's out at therapy.  He will tell you that I did it for the kids, but I know that deep down, (it's a guy thing!), he will notice and appreciate it!  He is basically going to be in therapy all day with the exception of a lunch break for about an hour or so each day.  So, for those of you wanting to visit, the only sure time to see him is after 4 otherwise, he will be out of his room with the multiple types of therapy!  Thanks again to everyone for your continued support.  Please pray today that Thomas is focused on the therapy and commited to the process.  This is so important to his mindset and we are extremely hopeful that Thomas will be able to walk again!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Just in case Ron or Bobby has not already mentioned it, Thomas' birthday is tomorrow.

Those wishing to send him cards, flowers, balloons, etc. and well wishes can find him at:

Thomas Carmichael
Room 3903
Roger C. Peace Hospital--Rehabilitation
29 N. Academy Street
Greenville, SC 29601

Also, just in case it has not already been posted, you can sign up for updates on Thomas condition on the Caring Bridge Site his wife Clinta has set up at:

Constant prayers go forth for healing and comfort for our friend Thomas and his family Clinta, Hannah, and Trey.


Al Roof


There is a correction to Al Roof's post as to the address for Thomas.  Please see below.  Thanks to everyone for your Prayers and cards.

Thomas Carmichael
Room 3917
Roger C Peace Rehabilitation Center
701 Grove Road
Greenville, SC 29605

Thanks for your help!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Day #1 in Therapy.  I am amazed at Thomas' will to fight as you lose so much strength in just a few days in the hospital.  Here is some very positive news from his Bride.

I have some very exciting news to report today!  I would shout it from the rooftops but it's snowing up a storm here!  Today was Thomas's first day of therapy and it went GREAT!!  He went through all kinds of different therapies but I want to focus on the physical therapy.  They placed him between a set of parallel bars and while holding on to both bars, he was able to walk down the entire length.  I'm not saying it was graceful but it was beautiful!!  It brings tears to my eyes!  I don't think that Thomas has been this motivated since this whole process started and I'm so thankful to God for being right beside him today, holding his hand and helping him to complete his first walking task.  He's not ready to run marathons or even walk by himself yet, but we needed this and it's completely changed his demeanor!  

Speaking of God-sent, we had 2 visitors yesterday that were His messengers!  First a visit from Randy, Olivia's grandfather who prior to his visit yesterday we had never met.   Again, through the unbelievable network of friends that Hannah has, this gentleman thinks the world of our daughter and wanted to come pray with us just because Thomas is her father!!  She's a missionary and doesn't even realize it!  And then a little later, one of the dearest people on this earth, my precious friend, Mary Patskoski came to visit.  She is an incredible messenger of God and so faithful to Him and His word!  She was very uplifting to Thomas, sharing a parable from the bible about the unjust judge and other encouraging stories of people in situations just like Thomas!  We laughed and cried!  She is such as awesome person and our life is more blessed because she's in it!

As I type this, Thomas has a friend from work visiting, Ric Rudler who himself, spent some time right here in this facility recently when he was in a very serious, life-threatening dirt bike accident.  He's giving us all the scoop like where the sherbet is kept, very important information to know!  They are watching a motorcycle show now so I don't talk the language, that's why I'm typing!  

Tomorrow is another opportunity with the therapy for Thomas as well as his birthday so I'm very excited about Wednesday!  As always, thanks so much for the incredibly sweet and kind posts!  We are amazed at the response and can't wait to see who will write next!  Thank you for the prayers, God is listening and as Mary said, we are bombarding God with the name of Thomas Carmichael!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


That is great news... I wish I could come visit, but it is too far.. even by plane it would be 6 or 7 hours...So I will just keep praying...

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Thomas' Birthday is today.  I am flying over to South Carolina today to visit with Thomas and his Family.  Due to my connections I will not be able to see Thomas till tomorrow.  Thanks for the Prayers and I will report back on how things are going with Thomas.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh