Prayers for Thomas Carmichael

Started by firstturn, February 15, 2010, 11:13:04 PM

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Hi everyone!  This is Clinta, Thomas Carmichael's wife.  I wanted to post a note for the primary reason of thanking all the POG members.  In the last 3 weeks Thomas has faced the biggest challenge of his life and throughout this time, he has received an overwhelming amount of attention through internet postings, emails, cards and calls.  For him, although it's a scary time, it's also been amazing.  It's an eye-opening experience to go through each day, acknowledging our friendships but not truly understanding their depth.  Thomas, very often will cry as I read the posts, emails or cards and to say he's touched, is to call a category 5 hurricane, a rain storm.

We can not possibly express the full magnitude of our appreciation for the support and prayers that so many of you have offered.  Our battle is not over, if anything, it's just beginning.  But, with Thomas's heart and extraordinary attitude, and most of all, God's hand on him, we have complete faith that God's will be done.  Thank you!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


And the latest.  Thanks everyone.

From Clinta - Hello dear friends,  Thomas and Hannah had a great day and I was wonderfully surprised when I got to the hospital room and she was still here!!  Hannah said that Thomas had a great day in therapy and the therapists worked with Hannah to teach her exercises for his left arm.  He's really tired tonight so I will probably leave soon so that he can get some extra rest.   Tomorrow the therapists will be teaching Trey how to transition Thomas in and out of a car so he will have another big day Friday.  

Earlier, Thomas had visits from Ric Rudler and Roger Loomis.  Thanks guys for stopping by!  

Continue to pray for Thomas's spirit and motivation, sometimes it really tough and it's easy to get down.  I appreciate your prayers!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

swamp fox

Good morning POGGERS.:)
Just a little bit more this morning from Team Carmichael....

From Clinta - TGIF!  I haven't heard the weather report yet but I'm hoping for warm, sunny weather this weekend.  Either way, we're going to have some fun!  Tonight, I'm taking in a steak dinner, (Thomas's favorite!), a movie rental and we're having "date" night!  There's a high likelihood that neither of us will be able to stay awake through the whole movie, (that's nothing new, that happened at the house also!), but we're going to give it a try.

If possible, I'm going to round up a Spades tournament, bring his chess and checkers set and a few other games down.  I would bring pictionary but my drawing totally frustrates him.  Whenever we play, I tell him that he must have a hard time with envisioning, he tells me I can't draw!  (Truth be told, he's right!)

Often, when we were first dating we would have movie marathons.  We would rent 5 or 6 movies, and literally stay up through the night watching all of them until the last one was seen.   I tease Thomas because he's the absolute worst movie picker, he will begrudgingly agree but if the cover on the box had any type of action, he would choose it.  Of course, once watching we would discover how awful the movie was and so he understands that keeping up with Hollywood successes and blockbusters is not really his thing.  

I don't have any new news to report but I'm hopeful of hearing from Duke today!  I'm becoming more accepting that it's not "my timetable" but others, most assuredly God's so when I prayed last night, I asked God to help me through this process.  I'm a person of action and in this scenario, I do have some influence, but not much so I'm trying to be more conciliatory.    

Thanks to all of the readers of this post for being by our side, for listening and for your prayers and wonderful posts!  Have a great weekend!

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)


It looks like Thomas will be discharged from the hospital next week to make the trip to Duke.  Here is the latest and thanks for all you Prayers and cards.  It all helps.

From Clinta - It's been an interesting day.  We've had high and lows but we're thrilled it's the weekend!  Thomas is finishing up his steak dinner as I write this!  I would imagine that he would consider that one of the highlights of the day.  I laughed out loud when the nurse told me that earlier today when Thomas was told that they were going to have to put in another IV and dose him with a high-level antibiotic, his first response was, "this isn't going to interfere with me eating steak for dinner, is it?"  

First thing this morning, instead of sending him to Physical therapy, the attendants came and took him to get a CAT scan and shortly after that, he was told that he would have to be hooked back up to an IV for the antibiotic that I mentioned above.  When Thomas called to tell me this, I had the rehab doctor paged and she called me back to tell me that she was worried about the drainage from his head and it had taken on a different look which was concerning.  She put in an emergency call to his surgeon and demanded that he come check Thomas out.  He did come this afternoon and told me that Thomas will go back to surgery tomorrow where they will open back up the suture, clean up the area and restaple him.  I don't know if reopening the wound will affect his clinical trial, but it's not optional.  The CAT scan showed no abscess but there's concern about infection.  

I got a confirmation call that Thomas is officially registered for an appointment with Duke for next Wednesday.  He will meet with the doctor for one hour at 11, we will leave, stay in a hotel room, and then go back again at 9:30 on Thursday for further counseling.  This is the answer to so many prayers and we are very excited to find out about the next part of this journey.  Thomas is being discharged from Roger C Peace on Monday so he will have a busy week.  We won't be doing physical therapy next week but we do have a list of exercises that Thomas will have to do at home.  

It's going to be an early evening, we're both exhausted!  For those wanting to visit this weekend, Thomas is scheduled for PT at 9 and then he will be taken to surgery sometime around 11 or 12 tomorrow.   After surgery, he will go to recovery, so I'm thinking that he probably won't be back to the room until 3ish.  He is scheduled for PT again on Sunday at 1:00.  Thomas's nurse just left and told us not to be surprised if they come early for him or late to take him to surgery.  He had a patient today that was scheduled to go at 11 and they showed up at 8:30 to take her.  So, the time is not set in stone as far as his surgery schedule.

Todd Patterson just left after visiting with us for awhile.  Thomas is very lucky to have such a great friend.  He brought a book for Thomas to read to help him through this challenging trial.  Todd has been so incredibly supportive and faithful to checking on Thomas and posting.  We really appreciate it Todd!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys time with their friends and families!  We are planning on being very low-key and looking forward to Thomas's coming home on Monday!
Thanks everyone for your prayers, they are valued and appreciated!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

swamp fox

Thomas is home now, but had a difficult time the first night. Praying he'll be able to get some strength back before the trip to Duke. Here's the update from Clinta:

Monday, March 15, 2010 9:56 PM, EDT

From Clinta - We're home and today was probably the worst day, (second to finding out Thomas has brain cancer) that we've had since finding the tumor on February 16th, tomorrow being the 1 month anniversary!  Everything went relatively smooth at the hospital with the discharge other than having to track down the equipment.  As Trey and I helped in him the car, he started to collapse and the nurse and Trey were able to right him before he fell to the ground.  I wish I could say we had the same ending when it happened at the house later.  We were trained that if Thomas started to lose his balance or fall and we can't get him up or back into balance, to help him easily, slowly fall to the ground and that's what we had to do.  Hannah and Trey were both with me and it was just too much for us.  We left him on the floor, sitting up partially, surrounded by pillows for awhile so that he could try and regain some of his strength.  Eventually, Hannah and Trey were able to lift him enough to get him on the couch.  I have been unable to help with any of the physical movement because earlier on, I pulled a muscle in my back trying to help.  Trey had to literally pick him up in the wheelchair to get him in the house.  What would I do without my children?  To say that Thomas felt depressed, worthless and an annoyance would be an understatement.  He said things that I won't repeat because we told him to stop thinking that way.  It was so discouraging and sad.  

This evening has been better but I think it's because once Trey got him in the bed, he's been sleeping on and off.  At one point, I asked him if he wanted to get in the wheelchair to eat dinner and he said he didn't want to get out of bed.  For now, it's ok.  It's not what the doctors want because they feel that it's important for Thomas to sit in a chair during the day to have activity and to help prevent atrophy of his muscles on the left side of his body.  I feed him a little while ago and I think he's mentally better.  He told me earlier that he thought it was going to be so great to be home but now with all he is putting Hannah, Trey and I through, he said he's not so sure anymore.  Of course, I told him that's crazy talk and I won't hear it!!  I think that this second surgery has taken the wind out of him and he's just so weak and has no energy.  Before, he was able to help us with moving him or himself but it seems now as if that gusto is gone and I'm sure it's just temporary.  

With all of our bedrooms being upstairs and Thomas unable to navigate the stairs, Trey and Hannah disassembled our dining room table and we are converting the dining room into a bedroom for him.  I think it will work pretty well.  I went and purchased sheets, blanket and pillows for the hospital bed so I've tried to make it as comfortable as possible for him.

This reminds me, I have a special request.  When Ron was here visiting he gave me a great idea that I would like to do a variation of for Thomas.  Many of you reading this journal have been friends with Thomas for years and years, some of you are newer friends.  If you have a picture of Thomas that you are fond of or you think is a great shot of him, I would really appreciate it if you could mail a copy to me.  I am going to put together a collage of pictures for him to hang around his room to help keep his spirits high and remind him of fond memories and friends.  Please send it to Clinta Carmichael, 27 Summer Valley Court, Greer, SC 29651.  I would really appreciate it and I know it will be so meaningful to Thomas.  

I'm going to sign off for now.  I'm hoping that Thomas will get a good nights' rest so that tomorrow will be a new and peaceful day for him.  Please continue to pray for Team Carmichael, we need and value your prayers.  Love you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:03 AM, EDT

From Clinta - Our first night home was a mixed bag but we survived and I'm hopeful of a better day today.  I think that Thomas will get settled in and feel more optimistic.  I want him to get a lot of rest today because the trip to Duke, I'm sure, will be very tiresome to him.  No new news to report, but I will post later.  

I hope everyone has a great day!  Thanks for your continued support!

Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
Robert Manucy
72 Berkshire
72 Six Day
82 Honda cr250r
04 BMW K 1200 GT - KIA in N. Ga. - 32987 smiles
08 BMW K 1200 S
17 Ktm 300 Six Day (50th Aniversary) ;)


Just to add to what Clinta is asking for to help keep Thomas inspired.  While I was in the hospital (4 months) I had so many people come visit me and bring old (and some new) racing pictures for my Wife to post in the hospital room.  Actually some of the old pictures of me racing I had never seen and we had fun trying to remember which race track they were taken at and what year?   The POG sent me get well posters (I want to thank Doug, Paul, Al Born, Dane and the rest of the Penton Team for this help) and some pictures.  You can not imagine how it settled me down and made me remember the Good Days.  And don't think that any of the cards you have sent Thomas aren't going to be up on the wall.  Thanks for all the cards and Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I talked with Thomas a few minutes ago and he is doing his best to maintain.  He is strong.  Here is an update...thank God for someone to build a ramp.

From Clinta - Today was MUCH better than yesterday!  Thomas had a very restful day, sleeping in bed except for about an hour sitting up in his wheelchair.  I don't think he's gotten his energy level back to where it was prior to the surgery on Saturday but he's on the mend.  Of course, we will be mixing that up with our trip to Duke tomorrow.  I will start to get him ready at 5AM and then Trey will help me with getting him in the car around 6AM.  Our appointment is at 11 so I'm leaving with an hour to spare.  Please pray that the trip will be tolerable for him, it's going to be hard for him to ride for 4 hours without being able to get out of the car and stretch his legs.  

I had 2 earth-bound angels visit today that were so incredibly kind and thoughtful.  First off, Robert Cross, a friend of Thomas's from Cryovac came over and built a wheelchair ramp for Thomas so that Trey won't have to try and lift him any longer to get him in the house.  The ramp is really awesome and for me, it's the equivalent of getting a Christmas gift in March!  He also hung a hand rail for Thomas.  The whole time this project was going on, he was all smiles.  I didn't think construction projects could be done with a smile!  Then, Mary Patskoski, a very dear friend of mine, now ours, arrived with dinner.  She had so many dishes that she had to set several on the porch while handing a couple to me.  What a dinner!  First off, as I've mentioned before, cooking is not my forte.  Where I do excel is ordering in restaurants and drive-throughs!  I can whip up the basics but anything fancy, we just have to wait until we eat out.  So imagine our taste bud's surprise to have a home-cooked meal that was out of this world.  Chicken enchiladas, rice, black beans, apple pie and my personal favorite, heath cookies.  We didn't even put a dent in it so we're going to be able to enjoy that meal again!  It's one of the reasons for my delay in posting, I was weak from all that yummy food!  I was thankful for our chat also!

How can I possibly thank these two very special people for their help today?  Robert provided necessities that will make our lives easier and Mary provided comfort sustenance.  Thank you so much for thinking of us!  We really appreciate it!  

I will not post again until tomorrow afternoon or night, once we've met with the doctor.  We continue to be appreciative of your prayers and thoughts of well-being.  Think of us tomorrow at 11 when we meet with the doctor, pray for his wisdom and our strength to get through our 2 day trip!

Love you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Please read and understand that we need your Pryers.  Thank You.

From Clinta - I apologize to all of our faithful Caringbridge readers for my late post.  I have cried for the last couple of hours and I'm not sure that writing this is going to get easier if I put it off any longer.  I am crying with Thomas as we are feeling a high level of despair at this time.  

We went to Duke this morning for our meeting and the ending was much different than our expectations when we left the house this morning at the crack of dawn.  Before I recount what we learned, there are 2 points that I want to make so that I can reduce or eliminate any misunderstandings.

I am one of the most optimistic people that I know and I want to surround myself with those kind of people.  I'm optimistic to a fault actually, even having it backfire on me in the past and yet I still try to only see the good and determine the best in every person and situation where I'm involved.  As I recall the conversation from the doctor today, please know that they aren't MY words, that I haven't for one minute given up hope, nor will I.  Secondly, I have faith, lots of faith, I believe in our Almighty Father who is the greatest physician and at any time He has the opportunity to change or alter or do nothing to anything or anyone.  I pray daily for a miracle as I know that God's provides miracles every day and even though others may not believe, I do.  So, know that as I share the information we were given, that I will not at any time give up this fight, I am praying and want you to pray for complete healing.  Don't let this get you down, it can't!  We need your prayers more than we have ever and know that Thomas is in for the absolute and literal fight of his life!

The infection in his head has changed everything.  I could go into detail about the continued missteps with the doctors, but at this point, my energies are focused on getting Thomas better or healed.  Having surgery this past Saturday to address the infection in his head was a medical must or he would have been put into a life-threatening situation.  But, the combination of his weak condition and the infection has made him ineligible for a clinical trial.  Since the surgery, Thomas's condition has changed substantially.  He has no energy, is very weak, almost fragile.  So the doctor is very concerned about our plan going forward.  

The type cancer that Thomas has is the number one fastest growing, most aggressive cancer that there is, more so even than liver, pancreatic, breast, lung, etc, he said it's the absoute worst!  After reviewing the latest tests and reports, Thomas's cancer has grown progressively and will continue to grow without some type of treatment.  

We left today with 2 options;  The first, do nothing and Thomas's prognosis is as you would imagine with a timeline that none of us want to even imagine, or the second option is to undergo chemo and radiation and PRAY that Thomas can get through it in his less-than-ideal health.  The third prong of the 3 prong approach that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago is no longer an option because of the suture, it will rupture and open it back up.  Even with the chemo and radiation there are additional risks because they don't like doing radiation with the staples still in his head but the doctor said that time is no longer an option.  For Thomas to have any chance of prolonging his life and stalling the cancer growth, we have to move forward now with chemo and radiation.

To say that we feel completely diminished is a gross understatment.  From the beginning, I've told Thomas that he has to be positive, try to have a good attitude because we want him around for a long time; to walk Hannah down the aisle and stand beside Trey at the alter should they decide to marry, hold our grandbabies should we be blessed with them.  But, I know it's not our plan, it's His.  I'm not questioning Him or asking why, I'm just going to continue to pray that God is not quite ready to take him home and that he will share his child with Team Carmichael for more years to come.  Please let that be your prayer too!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thomas made it home from Duke.  Here is an update and thanks for everyones kind words on this site and Caring Bridge.

From Clinta - We're home and so happy to be here!  We stayed at a nice hotel in Durham for our trip to Duke but we had a few challenges, nothing daunting, maybe just a little frustrating.  I could go in to detail about those, but I'm not sure for what purpose and at the end of the day, we're safe and that's what really matters.  

It's interesting how your perspective on certain things change when you are faced with real life and death circumstances.  I was just telling a friend of mine that I have caught myself several times, out of habit, saying to Thomas, gosh my back hurts.  And even though he's not, he would have every right to say, "are you kidding me, I have brain cancer, that's something to complain about!"  

Today, Thomas said to me, for the first time, "why do you think God let me get this brain cancer?"  Wow, first off, I'm don't know if I'm equipped to answer that, certainly not without relying on  cliched answers that probably won't give him comfort or an answer that placates him.  I don't want to do that.  So, if any of you have suggestions or ideas, please let us know, it would be appreciated.  

I told him that I believe one reason is that for many people, in bad times, they develop a closer walk with God, secondly, that God has a reason and that it may or may not become known to us on our time table and that God is giving Thomas a wonderful testimony to share.  I don't think that Thomas is questioning God per se, because he knows that bad things happen to good people, I think it was more in the vein of why did God give me brain cancer and what is His expectation of me now that I have it?

Thomas is scheduled to go tomorrow at 2:30 to the Cancer Center for a simulation appointment.  In essence, they will locate where the cancer is and mark him so that when he starts radiation they will know exactly where to point the radiation treatment to get the highest impact.  

We got home late, but my dear friend Mary, her son Jason and daughter Hannah stopped by the house with fried chicken, macaroni & cheese, cole slaw, and red velvet cake.  Thomas was very excited to have fried chicken because that's something I have never learned how to cook.  I tried to do it once and the flour floated off the chicken.  It was really gross!

Shortly after, one of my best friends in the whole wide world, Vicky Crenshaw stopped by.  We worked together at a radio station 14 years ago, (I can't believe it's been that long!), just to visit and chat.  It was funny because we were sitting in the den gabbing away and every few minutes, Thomas would interject a comment from the dining room!  It was so wonderful to see her and I'm so appreciative of her friendship.  

I'm signing off for now.  I will most likely not update again till tomorrow night.  The posts have been so warm and encouraging.  Please continue to post, it is so helpful to Thomas and I both.  Please pray for Thomas to have the strength and energy to get through chemo and radiation, we are dependent on it and God's intervention!  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


thank you for the update, I have more to say but I will leave that for the care site...

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)74'
250 hare scrambler (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Update on Thomas.

From Clinta - It's been a long day and I'm very tired.  We started our day at 4:16AM when Thomas woke me to ask to go to the bathroom.  Without wanting to take a half page to go into specific detail, Thomas took a fall this morning and it necessitated calling EMS.  They came and got Thomas situated back in his bed and I got ready for work.  Although I work from home partly, my company's office is in Charlotte, so I left the house at 6AM to attend an 8:30 meeting.  He rested and Hannah stayed with him since Trey had to go to work this morning at 7AM.  They had an event-free morning, thank goodness and Hannah, Trey and Thomas headed off to the radiation-prep meeting at 2. At first, the radiation doctor wasn't going to go through with the simulation because of the staples still in his head, but the kids called me and after my conversation with the doctor explaining that the Duke doctor said it wasn't ideal, but we are under very strict time constraints and we have no choice, she went ahead with the procedure.  Hannah said that getting dressed, getting in the car and the return home trip went very smoothly, Thomas just complained about being extremely tired.  

Thomas has an urology appointment on Monday, is meeting with the oncologist on Wednesday and is tentatively scheduled to start both chemo and radiation on Wednesday.  

This morning, Mike Gasque stopped by with 2 barb-q-chickens and another lemon pound cake.  (The pound cake made by his mother-in-law is wonderful!)  We have so much food from such generous people, I'm hoping that Jenny Craig makes house calls.  

Thomas's parents and our best friends from Columbia are coming in this weekend so I'm sure it will be a great weekend for us!  I hope that Thomas is able to get lots of sleep because he needs his strength to face the challenges ahead with chemo and radiation.  

Signing off for now, I hope everyone has a great weekend!  Thank you so much for your prayers and support, we couldn't have gotten this far with you!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hello POG members;

Thanks for your continued prayers and support for Thomas, it means so much to both of us.  As Ron shared with you in an earlier post, we have a daily journal and guestbook on the caring bridge website.  Each night, I will read to him all the posts that he has received for the day and it is very uplifting to him.  It's his only contact with the world, so to speak.  So, please continue to communicate with him either through the caring bridge website,
or through this string.  This is going to be so critical in the next six weeks with him starting chemo and radiation.  

Also, since I don't know how to get in touch otherwise; Randy Kirkbride, thank you so much for sending the pictures of Thomas and the Penton 2010 calendar.  Thomas doesn't know about the pictures yet but I gave him the calendar and he loved it!  You are a wonderful person to have gone to all that trouble and it's greatly appreciated!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  

With love in Christ,

Clinta Carmichael

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler



I haven't been on POG in quite awhile, and just finished reading through this thread.  I'm so sorry to hear of your illness, and you've jumped to the head of my prayer list.

T, after Brother Ron took me under his wing here, you were the first person who went out of your way to extend a small act of kindness to me that immediately told me what a nice, considerate person you are.  I'll always remember it.  Thank you.  Hang in there, brother.

As an aside comment, people who ride/work on vintage dirtbikes are the best people in the world, and this Penton group is the best of the best - a really special group of people.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Here is an update and thanks for all your Prayers.

From Clinta - Thomas had a relatively quiet and peaceful day.  Hannah and Trey stayed with him most of the day since I had a business luncheon.  I have learned some additional information to update you with regarding his chemo and radiation and some other items.  

A nurse from our insurance company, Cigna has been helping me with several challenges that I've had and she has been incredibly nice.  First off, she is making arrangements for Thomas to continue to get physical and occupational therapy at home.  We had been told at the hospital that we couldn't do that and go to an outpatient center for radiation, but that was wrong.  So hopefully we will be able to have someone come to the house to continue the treatment for both his left arm and leg.  Also, she is making arrangments to get a shower wheelchair to help facilitate showers for him since we don't have a bath tub or shower stall on our first floor.  This will be tremendously helpful since we've had to do the washcloth baths and sink shampooing.  

I'm still trying to track down the chemo.  He will be taking it in pill form and the doctor's office sent it to the wrong prescription drug place.  After multiple phone calls, I think it's in the right hands now.  Again, the Cigna nurse has helped me with that and hopefully we will get the medicine in by Wednesday or Thursday.  The prescription calls for 49 pills so that's 7 weeks worth as well as they are ordering a pill to help him with the nausea.  For both, the total runs about $ 3500 a month.  I have no idea the cost of the radiation but I'm thinking that I will find out on Wednesday when we meet with the financial counselor for the oncologist's office, (required) to let us know how much everything is going to cost.  

Thomas officially starts the radiation on Thursday.  His first appointment is for 45 minutes and after that only 15 minutes.  He will go Monday through Friday.  Fortunately, the place where he goes for the radiation in less than 10 minutes from our house, which is great!  

Thomas sat up twice today in his wheelchair which is double what he normally does.  He's still wiped out afterwards but it's good for him to have movement and to sit up instead of staying in the bed all day.  

We continue to be hopeful that Thomas will have the strength and energy to get through all the treatments.  Your prayers are a powerful tool in helping him achieve this goal.  Thank you for all you do for us!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Here is a update on Team Carmichael.

From Clinta - Good evening our dear friends and family;  We started out our day a little stressed again in that we had to call EMS, Thomas took another fall.  We are having a huge struggle with the bathroom facility in our downstairs.  The bathroom is really small with only a pedestal sink and toilet and the door width being 23 inches and the wheelchair being 30 inches.  Even with the handrail, Thomas is having to take a couple of steps to get to the toilet and it's just too much for him right now.  Tomorrow, a dear friend Robert Cross is coming over to take a look to determine if by taking down the molding and doing some creative renovation, we can widen the door frame to allow the wheelchair accessibility.  

I'm still trying to track down the chemo.  My head hurts from the multiple calls that I've made.  It was our hope, as well as the doctors to have it here by tomorrow, but I think Thursday will be the earliest if everything goes well.  I could go into detail but it's not going to get it here any quicker and it might make my head hurt worse to have to retell the story.  

The radiation doctor called today and asked me some specific questions about Thomas's prosthetic eye.  They are planning on going through that location to shoot the radiation.  She said that has been successful in the past and will give them a closer proximity to the cancer.  

Thomas's brother, Terence and his wife Melissa came and visited with Thomas today.  He was so glad to see them and they came as a daytrip all the way from Summerville.  They are planning on coming back on Thursday and we look forward to seeing them.

Also visiting today was Mike Gasque who brought yummy barb-b-q and another barb-b-q chicken.  We had it for dinner and it was delicious.  I might have to go back for seconds when I finish writing this.  

Thomas's Dad had a colonscopy today and I'm very happy to report that he got a clear report!  We are all so relieved!  

We have a VERY early appointment with the oncologist tomorrow, another getting up at the crack of dawn day, but that's ok, we are ready to get the ball rolling!  He is meeting with us before he starts seeing his patients.  I will try and get a report out to you at lunchtime tomorrow with an update.

Thanks, as always for being there for Team Carmichael, we appreciate it!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh