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Messages - Jason Rowland

Penton Talk / October POG meeting - Saturday October 3
September 26, 2020, 08:18:21 PM
Armpit skin on your nose?  That's ice cold....
Guess I can think of one worse place to grab a nose-patch - thank goodness Doc only hates you a little bit!
Penton Racing Talk / Penton on patrol
June 30, 2020, 11:09:53 AM
I believe a promotion in rank, a few medals, and a week of R&R are in order....
As much as I love to mow and the smell of fresh cut grass, I don't think I'd have earned that merit badge.  The website puts that heat index at just a tick below 130 degrees:  "heat/sunstroke HIGHLY LIKELY with continued exposure".  Add approximately 15 degrees if you're in the sun.  Better get those wheels built so you can make your own cooling breeze!
Penton Racing Talk / Penton on patrol
June 29, 2020, 12:06:41 PM
Be sure to file a report with HQ when you're back inside the wire.
Intolerance for decent does appear to be showing somewhat....Tolerance for dissent, however, is a quality that makes America a truly great place to live.  You may delete my post at your convenience.  Guess I'm feeling a bit feisty today, too.
Penton Talk / New KTM book
June 21, 2020, 09:24:57 PM
Nice layout, Leo.  Thanks for the preview.  Wish I'd have payed a bit more attention in my high school German class.
Penton Talk / Vintage 1000 2020
May 26, 2020, 01:04:12 PM
Based entirely on my own personal feeling, I'm fairly certain most of us here would answer your question in similar fashion: "Absolutely nothing I'd like more!"  However, the gulf between what I want to do and what I can do is, in this case, a bit too wide to navigate.  Perhaps, like me, others here are quiet due to being a bit hangdog about it, frankly.

Instead, I'll have to make do with living vicariously through you and the recounting of your exploits as with your previous great adventure...and making do was pretty terrific, IMHO.

Make sure your companions stay at least a bikelength behind for proper social distancing.
Penton Talk / Picture posting?
February 25, 2020, 10:09:02 AM
The fix is given in the post prior to yours.  If you already have a bucket of pix offsite and online, you're halfway home. In short, you have to get "on" something....I use Dropbox:
Penton Talk / 1975 250 HS Just Wont Start
September 19, 2019, 06:14:10 PM
Hi, Lance - I'd say that the three-plug-swap probably rules out a bad plug.  Since you're getting free-air spark, you may in good shape as far as the ability to make spark.  A bit odd that the ether didn't pop at all. As Carl mentioned, whether or not your spark is happening at the right time could be the issue.

Cleaning the magnets will only make them pretty, it won't increase the flux density that decreases slowly over time, or quickly with sharp blows.  Weak magnets means they can't induce much voltage or current in the coil and you'll have weak spark, especially at kicking rpm.  That big hill is waiting....JR
Penton Talk / 1975 250 HS Just Wont Start
September 14, 2019, 09:24:43 AM
I'm not surprised...on a full-moon Friday the 13th with a Honda getting all the attention?

Sounds electrical: Spark under compression is quite different from free-air spark, so a plug swap could be the fix. Then I'd get rid of the  corrosion that just happens over the course of the changing of the seasons - all those old magnets need is one more ohm of resistance to overcome in order to throw the whole thing off. Might be worth checking the kill-switch for a partial fault, too.

Then, just for good measure, scold the Honda and put it in the corner...I'll bet your Penton fires right up.
Penton Talk / A blue one
July 28, 2019, 02:39:59 PM
Here's an update on frame 7-20856798 / engine 2-5201160:

She spent a bit of time at The G. Ellis Finishing School for Wayward Pentons, and is now a well-mannered 2-kicker.

Here it is back when we were both pups:

After 30-odd years of barn purgatory:

Being coaxed back to life by the Penton Whisperer:

Reunited with the gear from the first pic:

The Sunshine Racing Team was a group of friends who all lived around Barneveld, WI.  Although my father has passed, most of them still do.  Among others, Rick was on the Pursang and Mike on the Elsinore, if memory serves...and all of them, plus the extended pit crew, were on whatever mind-altering substances happened to be available.

Much thanks to Gary for doing all the heavy lifting.
Never had the opportunity to do much besides lube the brake pads back in the day, so I'm really enjoying the view from the front seat now.  

Wanted / For Sale / 400
June 06, 2018, 06:33:35 PM
...$400 from the gentleman in red...going once...going twice...
Penton Talk / Painting a Windsor tank
June 06, 2018, 06:27:39 PM
Has anyone tried one of the non-consumer automotive or manufacturing versions of Plasti Dip that is a spray application product?
Penton Talk / E Track vs. Wheel Chocks
June 06, 2018, 05:54:31 PM
Here's a surface-mount option that was developed for substantial overhead loudspeaker rigging by ATM Flyware, now Adaptive:

With a proper backing plate, these are rock solid.  I've had the same three pair in the beds of two Rangers with over three decades of exposure and no failures.
Penton Talk / Penton first???
April 09, 2018, 10:03:38 AM
If you do a search for "Hunter S Thompson Penton", the photo will pop right up.  I'm not sure if Mr. Thompson owned any earlier Pentons, but if he did, it would explain my father's fondness for the brand.  I can't imagine what a Thompson fan might pay for that bike, but I'm guessing a sum just as insane as its owner.