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Messages - steve erickson

Hey folks, looks like I may have made the weather gods happy. Forecast looks pretty good, unless you preferred the cold rain from 2003.;)

We've got the row assignments and rider info sheet up on our website:

Have a safe trip out here and we'll see you this weekend.
All 3 loops are finalized. Just a little more trail work and we'll be ready.

Thanks to all my club members who participated in the pre rides and trail work party's so far.

Here's a couple of helmet cam previews for you.

  Saturday's Loop > Sunday's Loop >

Yesterday's pre-ride of Sunday's loop was a bit of a disappointment. If some of you remember 2003's Sunday loop we took you north to a special test hill climb that had quite a lot of spectators on it. It WAS a fun section. Yesterday we rode it to hopefully use it again this year. What a washed out mess. It's impassable. Huge exposed rock and a rock face step up that left us pulling each bike up.
Oh well. We'll move the test and re-route around it. It was a section used in 1973. What a shame.
We've pre-ridden the Saturday AM and PM loops. Some of it is like riding on virgin trail, other trails have clearly shown the lack of maintenance that NETRA members used to do up in Savoy Forest.
We may have lost some trail, but we'll see.

To top it all off, man it is wet up there right now! Whew!!!

Heading up tomorrow for a pre-ride of day two's course, and to recheck some stuff we found on the first pre-ride.

I'll stay in touch.
Quotequote:Originally posted by brian kirby

Steve, thanks for answering. Even doing something as simple as the rider standing between the engine and the meter to lessen the amount of engine rattle noise is a big help. I have used the trick of putting a section of inner tube on the end of the muffler, it works. I didnt mean to stir up trouble, I wanted us to all be aware of the sound test and prepare our bikes for it accordingly. I am 100% for quieter bikes.


No problem Brian. I just didn't want people to get scared away due to us having a sound test. Sound tests up here at NETRA events are common practice. It sounds like alot of folks don't have much experience with them at other events.
Sound issues are a big factor in land access up here in New England. My club lost the chance to have a hare scramble on some awesome property due to neighbors/town having noise concerns. Since Savoy State Forest is reopening that weekend just for the Reunion Ride, I want to show the MASS DCR that we are being responsible users.
Having said that, if anyone has experience with sound testing at events, alot of factors sway a db reading one way or another. My crew know you folks will be coming a long way. If you have fresh packing in a muffler, maybe a rubber flap/sleeve hose clamped over the tailpipe, you might be good to go.

If you want to do your own test, there's got to be clubs in your area with a sound meter. Maybe you can borrow it?
Penton Racing Talk / ISDTRR 2013
November 02, 2012, 09:12:47 PM
Well,10 years sure have gone fast,haven't they?

I'm pretty darn confident that the Pathfinders M/C and I will be seeing you again next year in Massachusetts for the 2013 ISDTRR.
We have been working with the MA Dept of Conservation and Recreation since last December. The mission to allow us and ORV's back into the closed Savoy State Forest seems to be a success after my last meeting a couple of weeks ago.
I'd like to explain the timing of the event. Aug 24 and 25 is our reserved date on the NETRA calendar,so I know there will be no conflict with another event up here. I also have mid September as a back up date, but I don't know of impending conflicts on the upcoming NETRA schedule (our sanction meeting is on 12/2/12). The DCR folks were a bit hesitant about a October weekend,if you remember the cold and rain in '03, well,it could have snowed that weekend as well. The DCR liked the fact we chose the dry season.
The DCR has asked that the bike requirements that we put in place for '03, be a rule for '13 as well. We will again be running on dirt/tar town roads to get to trail sections. Reopening a closed state forest is something I didn't think would happen, so we have to be good guests and play by their rules. Also, the forest is closed again after we are done, so please don't re-ride the route sheet after the event!
I'll pop in here and comment as much as possible, but I'm sure Jeff D and others will be keeping you informed.

We hope to meet or beat our 2003 effort. I hope to see you there!

Steve Erickson - Trail Boss (again!!):D
Pathfinders M/C
Penton Racing Talk / 2013 ISDT-RR
April 06, 2009, 04:40:18 PM
Hello All!

Hope you folks are doing well!

Just letting you know my club received Jeff Debell's email about the 2013 reunion ride possibly being in Massachusetts. I can't promise anything as of yet, but alot of my club members are interested in doing it again. We do have a major stumbling block and it's Savoy State Forest. It's been closed to ORV's as of a few years ago.If we go to a forest further south,the trails are a bit more used and tougher for the vintage bikes.

I'll try to stay in touch but a 40th Anniversary of the US ISDT ride maybe a possibility.

Steve Erickson
Pathfinders M/C
Penton Talk / ISDTR
November 08, 2003, 04:30:34 PM
John Borer,10220 Quarry Rd.,Amherst OH 44001
Bob Hicks,29 Burley St.,Wenham MA 01984

I got these addresses off my entry list,and I hope this is the John Borer you're looking for because you spelled it different.I have no address for Jim.

Penton Talk / isdtrr medals?
November 06, 2003, 02:27:31 PM
The medals were sent out on or about 10/24.We had a work party to put them in mailers and address them,then they went back to the trophy company to get sent out.
If you POG'ers can let me know if and when you receive(d)them,I would appreciate it!! I want to know if the trophy company held up their end of the deal to my satisfaction before we pay them any more
Steve Erickson-Trail Boss ISDTRR (still recovering[|)])
Penton Talk / ISDT-RR Video
October 25, 2003, 06:04:24 PM
Lynn,the best way to contact Jason is through the Pathfinders e-mail
[email protected] - it gets directly to him.

Can't wait to see Jay Duchin's video!!
Penton Talk / isdtrr medals
October 23, 2003, 02:24:55 PM
The snow already arrived.Drove thru some snow showers last night coming back from our medal mailing work party,and there was a dusting of snow on the back porch this morning. YUK!!!
Penton Talk / ISDT Reunion
October 08, 2003, 11:12:45 AM
Bob- the scoring snafu was due to the computer out on the special test.Half way through the day,the computer crashed and somehow the scorers got 1 minute off the actual time resulting in throwing out the test.

Penton Talk / ISDT Reunion
October 07, 2003, 04:59:17 PM
I'm glad everybody had a great time!The weekend won't be forgotten by myself and the rest of the Pathfinders anytime soon.Sorry about the weather and really sorry about the scoring.Thanks everybody for leaving the farm pretty much litter free.Clean up and packing up went pretty smooth and I got back to home sweet home about 5 PM.A good night's sleep and I still feel pooped!!!
Thanks again and if we owe you a medal it will be sent out to you.
Steve Erickson-Pathfinders M/C

Penton Talk / isdt reunion ride
September 14, 2003, 09:38:56 PM
Saturdays signup will be available for the few people who didn't make it in on Friday due to travel problems.If you don't impound on Fri you run a risk of not starting on time plus you'll be penalized.